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Music or Language [May. 22nd, 2014|12:28 am]
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[mood |close to not giving a shit]

Daatblygu atgriežas!!

Hey Edgar! Cover this, eh? Kāpēc nē?
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[User Picture]
Date:May 21st, 2014 - 12:32 pm
didn't know you had such strong feelings about covers
[User Picture]
Date:May 21st, 2014 - 12:33 pm
not really - just general disillusionment with the current passionless dross
[User Picture]
Date:May 21st, 2014 - 12:36 pm
... which is exposed (as in, you feel what is missing) when something with power not dependent on notes and time signatures is covered by those who don't have that power in their bones.
[User Picture]
Date:May 21st, 2014 - 01:37 pm
this is where we should agree to disagree, as i think edgars of all people is one of those who do have that power (lai arī nez kāpēc ir kritis tavā nežēlastībā)
[User Picture]
Date:May 21st, 2014 - 02:55 pm
not for me, but that's neither here nor there - the pond of good feeling was a little poisoned for me when I was played a blisteringly powerful and imaginative version of cik divaini, which I was than informed had been rejected by Edgars as there were some off-key vocals somewhere. I don't know - maybe the track made it on in the end, but I lost interest in the whole project at that moment - 'on principle' so to speak.
[User Picture]
Date:May 21st, 2014 - 03:38 pm
who was it by?
[User Picture]
Date:May 21st, 2014 - 03:39 pm
memory fails me - I'll ask the missus tonight - he was from Jelgava, I think. Does that help?
[User Picture]
Date:May 21st, 2014 - 03:51 pm
i'm just not buying the rejection story entirely, as the whole thing was about edgars approaching artists to cover šverns' songs and then funding studio time for the people who had agreed. i can easily see various other being rejected for all kinds of reasons as it's a curated project from the very beginning and not about picking up all šverns' covers that exist, i know a bunch that have been previously recorded and weren't even considered for this compilation. anyway, i'll ask him when i have the chance.
[User Picture]
Date:May 21st, 2014 - 03:54 pm
I was told by Andzons - for what it's worth.
It's Edgar's project, so he can do what he wants - especially if he is funding studio time.
My problem is the criteria (as relayed to me) - it goes against EVERYTHING (soz for the capitals) that music means to me.
[User Picture]
Date:May 21st, 2014 - 06:06 pm
this is intriguing, i'll find out when i run into šubr