Dabiskā izlase |
[Apr. 2nd, 2013|05:03 pm] |
Comments: |
njā - bet gandrīz visu, ko rakstu te ir atklāta vestule - smile/wink/grimace. Bet pat to lietu, ko rakstīju - stāstīju sievai par savām domām par latviešiem (ka viņi nav tik skarbi), un viņa stāstīja par kādu TV klipu, kas esot pierādījis, ka latvieši tiešam don't give a fuck about their fellows.
Nu, es pirms kāda mēneša nācu mājās.
Un sniegā netālu no mājām gulēja cilvēks. Apģērbies, bet apģērbs vaļā. Mūsu rajonā tas 90%, ka ir piedzēries. Domāju, humānisma un autoskolas medicīnas kursu tradīcijās jāpārbauda, vai ar viņu viss ir OK.
Pabakstīju plecu un apjautājos, viņš tā negribīgi atvēra acis un tad nolamāja mani par to, ka tādi idioti traucējot viņam gulēt un ka viņam viss labi, un lai es pišot dirst.
And I felt he was such a jerk, not just because he swore at me per se, but because of his tone. He sounded like a person, whose main mode of operation is cheap and ugly meanness and subdued anger. I honestly thought he (around 30ish, robust, not shabbily dressed, and reasonably clean) must be a guy who beats his wife and kid just out of general nastiness, and he probably has them.
And, frankly, I did think, that maybe it would be better for the world, if nobody woke him up and he froze to death, because to me he did look like someone who only makes misery for others.
You may put it up to me simply being offended by him, but in my district I see various kinds of agressive guys every now and then, and in general if people are drunk and sleepy, they may be irritated by you waking them, but this was way different.
![[User Picture]](http://klab.lv/userpic/160816/11364) | From: | ttp |
Date: | April 2nd, 2013 - 07:29 pm |
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bet labāk pabakstīt, esmu saucis arī atros dīvainiem puskailiem vīrišķiem kas ar seju guļ dubļos un pats sagriezis kājas velkot no ērķšķu krūmiem ārā večus uz 2x manu svaru. better a swearing idiot, than a dead body you could have helped
But you did the right thing... maybe that sounds trite, but in a place like this where you're not necessarily expected to do the right thing, it aint nothing. | |