Michel, ma belle
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Sep. 27., 2015 | 08:45 pm
ēterā: The Beatles - Michelle
"People who claim that madness became an object of calm scientific psychiatric study when freed from the ethical and religious associations with which it had been saddled by the Middle Ages should be brought back to this decisive moment when unreason was made into an object and thrown into an exile where it was to remain mute for centuries. They should have this original sin constantly before their eyes, and be ceaselessly reminded that it was
only this obscure condemnation that opened the way for a discourse about unreason, reduced to silence at last, whose neutrality is proportionate to its own forgetfulness. Is it not important for our culture that unreason could only become an object of knowledge after it had been subjected to a process of social excommunication?"
Rrrrrr, nu, kā, kā var nepatikt veids, kā raksta Fuko? :)) Varat neatbildēt :)
only this obscure condemnation that opened the way for a discourse about unreason, reduced to silence at last, whose neutrality is proportionate to its own forgetfulness. Is it not important for our culture that unreason could only become an object of knowledge after it had been subjected to a process of social excommunication?"
Rrrrrr, nu, kā, kā var nepatikt veids, kā raksta Fuko? :)) Varat neatbildēt :)
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date: Sep. 28., 2015 - 05:42 pm
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date: Sep. 28., 2015 - 08:22 pm
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date: Sep. 29., 2015 - 08:52 pm
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