Prof. Biezpientaures pētījumu centrs -

4. Jul 2009


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"I'm reminded of an episode of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia," where one of the main characters, Mac, wants to be a musician. Instead of focusing on the music, he's concerned completely with how to better look like a rocker.

When being helped with a guitar in a music store, and having the functions of the guitar described to him, he pushes the salesman aside, so that he can better look at himself in the mirror with a guitar around his shoulder."

(2 raksta | ir doma)


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Date:4. Jūlijs 2009 - 00:16
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Date:4. Jūlijs 2009 - 00:28
tur jau tomēr ir pamats vipendroniem :)
bet nu gan bija laiki, hehe.
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