Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - East of the Sun, west of the Moon

About East of the Sun, west of the Moon

Previous Entry East of the Sun, west of the Moon13. Okt 2008 @ 10:08 Next Entry
Diagnoze: SC modinātājs ir pārlasījies Hokingu (un iespējams arī Dokinsu). Viņš, piemēram, uzskata, ka [info]jim ierakstīja komentāru par manu vakardienas postu 3 stundas pirms es viņu biju uzrakstījis. Un ka tagad esot 7 no rīta.

Viss, turpmāk rakstu tikai par pasakām. Tās, kā zināms, darbojas tikai savā iekšējā sižetiskajā laikā.
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Date: 13. Oktobris 2008 - 19:15
Once confined to fantasy and science fiction, time travel is now simply an engineering problem.

Wired Magazine, Aug. 2003
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Date: 13. Oktobris 2008 - 19:19
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Date: 13. Oktobris 2008 - 19:24
Nu Sviesta Cibai, kā secinājām, tā vairs nav problēma! Steigšus jāziņo Wired!
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Date: 13. Oktobris 2008 - 21:02
In other news, a small Latvian-run livejournal clone "Sviesta Ciba" (small wooden butter box[1]) has engineered the actual time travel we have all been awaiting so eagerly. Our correspondent tried to get the particulars of the astonishing feat from the company "Inbox" - owner and hoster of "Sviesta ciba", however, it appears that Denis (the Menace?) - the chronoengineer of Inbox, has gone missing. As we learned, he disapeared shortly before the actual chronoskew took place, and was last seen muttering something about "getting even with that Serge from 4b", whatever that means.

[1] - burtisks "ciba" tulkojums no letonika.lv
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