Es te šobrīd vairāk citātus, vnk ir šis tas uzradies pēdējā laikā, jāpieraksta, lai nepazūd.But many people say they have tried meditation and failed. Here are some common complaints about meditation:
I can’t do it. My mind wanders. I can’t sit still. I can’t concentrate that long. I fall asleep. I have too many noisy thoughts.
If your first attempt or first several attempts at meditation resulted in any of these thoughts, then congratulations — you’ve meditated!
Many people perceive meditation as a magical moment of transformation. But meditation isn’t about perfection. It’s about awareness. Being aware that your mind wanders, that you’re tired, that you can’t sit still, that your mind is racing — that’s the point of meditation.
No šī viedokļa:Notice the five senses.
Start by taking a few calming breaths.
Now, see five things around you. It can be items on your desk such as a lamp, a notepad and a pen, or trees and rocks as you take a walk.
Touch four things — the fabric of your clothes, a book, a leaf, the cat.
Hear three things. Notice a dog barking, the click of a keyboard, laughter in the break room.
Smell two things. Sniff the air, the detergent smell that lingers on your clothes.
Taste one thing. End your meditation with a bite of chocolate, a piece of fruit or a treat from the office candy dish. P.S. WP izrādās viens no tiem websaitiem, kurus var lieliski izlasīt vienkārši nobloķējot skriptus (piemēram, ar Brave browserī iebūvēto funkciju vai [citos browseros] aizejot uz Site settings un nobloķējot javaskriptu.