Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - No Nīderlandes "Collective Labour Agreement for Research Centres"

About No Nīderlandes "Collective Labour Agreement for Research Centres"

Previous Entry No Nīderlandes "Collective Labour Agreement for Research Centres"29. Jul 2011 @ 16:31 Next Entry
par komandējumiem:

3 - If the employee does not take overnight accommodation at a hotel or boarding
house, but rather enjoys the hospitality of family or acquaintances, he may
claim an amount up to € 39 for a tangible gift of appreciation for the hospitality
he has enjoyed.

4 - If the hospitality of family or acquaintances is used for a longer period (some
weeks), or if all or part of a private residence is used, there will be a single
payment made for this, amounting to € 110
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Date: 29. Jūlijs 2011 - 16:59
Man ārkārtīgi patikās tās 42 atvaļinājuma dienas un atbalsts pētnieciskajām, akadēmiskajām aktivitātēm. Vispār, dikti humanistiski apstākļi.
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