Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - For the 4th of July, on the 5th of July.

About For the 4th of July, on the 5th of July.

Previous Entry For the 4th of July, on the 5th of July.5. Jul 2011 @ 14:45 Next Entry
(ir doma)
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Date: 7. Jūlijs 2011 - 11:34
Doubtless, there are a lot indirect advantages that can be passed on to next generations by longevity. It does seem also that a lot of people ARE in fact living longer, although it would probably be more due to the living conditions and better knowledge of the body requirements.

Regarding the fish -- it really depends on what you call living. AFAI understand, there are bacteria that also have the possibility to live near endlessly; however, you would be hard pressed to determine the "original" speciman, due to their multiplication by division. I wouldn't be surprised if the further down the chain of complexity you go, the more there would be organisms that can survive eternally, assuming external factors are favourable.
(ir doma)
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