Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - Komentāri

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6. Jūlijs 2011 - 18:23
It's interesting though, that no living creature lives forever - that the potential causes of our death are there in the DNA of all living organisms from the start (I say 'potential' because I am excluding deaths at the hands of others, natural disasters etc.).

As for natural selection of long-living adults, there is a nice contradiction in that although you are likely to live longer in a society that looks after your health and social needs, you are less likely to be needed to share the burden of caring for grandchildren in such a society, and there is, therefore, less scope for natural selection to play its part.

Interesting also, that when it comes to the sexual imperative to reproduce, I would say it is the ones that feel it most that have kids younger (OK, I feel I am on the border of crass generalization - but I just feel there is some truth to it - the romantic abandon, if you like).
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