Maybe money can’t buy you happiness, but meaningfulness can help you offset any losses. In "Some Key Differences between a Happy Life and a Meaningful Life", the authors write:
“These findings illuminate the so-called ‘parenthood paradox,’ which is that most people want to be happy and want to become parents, but those two goals are in conflict insofar as becoming a parent often reduces happiness (e.g., Twenge, Campbell, & Foster, 2003; cf. Nelson et al., in press)
Baumeister (1991) proposed that the parenthood paradox can be resolved by proposing that people seek not just happiness but also meaning, and so they become parents because the gains in meaningfulness offset losses in happiness.
The present findings are consistent with that conclusion, which has broader implications for positive psychology, because they suggest that people will pursue meaningfulness even at the expense of happiness.”
// https://sourcesofinsight.com/happy-vs-meaningful-which-life-do-you-want/ |