Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - 18. Aprīlis 2012

About 18. Aprīlis 2012

Palasot šādus tādus disertāciju kopsavilkumus, man uzmācas nelāga sajūta, ka fenomenoloģija is a sham.

Fun facts about electricity13:24
Electric charges are easily visible to human eyes, even though their motion is not. "Electricity" is not invisible! Never has been. When you look at a metal wire, you can see the charges of electricity which would flow during electric currents. They are silvery/metallic in color. They give metals their mirrorlike shine. Some metals have other colors as well, brass and copper for instance. Yet in all cases, the "metallic"-looking stuff is the metal's electrons. A dense crowd of electrons looks silvery; "electric fluid" is a silver liquid. And if metals weren't full of movable electrons, they wouldn't look metallic.

// http://www.eskimo.com/~billb/miscon/elect.html
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