Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - 20. Oktobris 2011

About 20. Oktobris 2011

Cibu sāks monetizēt?11:24
Atverot savu lapu, pēkšņi uzlēca Gemius aptauja par to, kāds es īsti esmu.

Demokrātija darbībā13:30
[info]marija iespaidā:

The first description of a "direct electronic democracy" I met, was that in Robert Sheckley's "Ticket To Planet Tranai". The Lord Mayor depicted in the science fiction could do whatever he wanted. He could even execute a suspect on the spot without any investigation. He could always delegate the right to kill to any volunteer. But his arbitrary rule was limited with a special device: any citizen, in case he (or she) was disappointed with the Mayor's performance, could push a special button. As soon as the number of pushes became high enough, the medallion on the Mayor's chest - the symbol of his absolute power - exploded and killed the owner. Medallions tended to explode frequently enough to discourage a candidate for the position. For a citizen it was much more convenient to stay at home and push the button from time to time.

10000 hour rule20:31

// http://jeff-vogel.blogspot.com/2011/10/10000-hour-rule.html
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