Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - 17. Jūnijs 2009

About 17. Jūnijs 2009

Sonderkomando Zwei00:06
Dažkārt palasot komūnas un arī dažus konkrētus cibiņus, rodas iespaids, ka ciba ir viscaur izcaurumota ar čaklo roku pulciņiem.

Citātu dienas, part III: Licenzētie kvartāli10:05
These days people borrow without the slightest thought, and from the very start they have no notion of ever settling their debts.

Since in their own extravagance they borrowed the money just to squander it in the licensed quarters, there is no way for the money to generate enough new money to settle the loan. Consequently they bring hardship to their creditors and invent every manner of falsehood… .

No matter what excuse some malevolent scheme of yours prompts you to invent, nothing can save you from the obligation of returning an item you have borrowed.

//Ihara Saikaku, Some Final Words of Advice (1689)

Atsauce uz mūžīgo13:39
Ņemot vērā pamatcilvēciskās vērtības, ko demonstrē test subject [info]minnka savā diskursā, par kuru jau praksē realizēta ekstensīva pedagoģiskā teorija1, 2, nāk prātā tikai viens sauklis:

Будьте бдительны! Среди нас ветераны!

1 rasbainieks et al, 2009 // http://content9-foto.inbox.lv/albums101421527/zhagata13/Dazhaadi/Sviesta-Ciba2.jpg
2 martcore et al, 2009, // http://klab.lv/users/martcore/2464360.html
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