Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - 7. Maijs 2009

About 7. Maijs 2009

I had this exact problem with Wikipedia.

It was a trivial fact, a submarine was listed as having four times the horsepower it really contained, since there were four engines some fuzzy math took place and this submarine just under four times more powerful than it's direct successor.

The problem was the fact stood for years, I worked at a museum which actually had one of these submarines, Among my sources were A, the number written on the engines, and B, Dead tree books and manuals clearly stating the engine size.

My vandalism was taken down because this fact stood so long it couldn't be false, I said it wasn't cited, how can you prove me wrong, He quickly found citation, hundreds of sites got their stats info from wikipedia, and as we all know "The Internet" is a more trustworthy souce than a real navy manual any day of the week.


Alkohola trūkums organismā11:26
Vecīšus un mazus bērnus vieno arī viegli sagremojama gara barība. Garīgā zupa, tā teikt, vai sablenderēts stuffs. Neesot gan labi smaganām.

First Cut, Final Cut17:09
Clickity click hold on oh no brrrrrrrrrring bingo!


[Fuck all that weve got to get on with these
Got to compete with the wily japanese]
Mūzika: golden oldies

Our imaginations are going to be our perverse downfall17:26
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