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Out There
o_O wiiiiiiii! i am home alone! what to do? what to do?! bingo?party?book?movie?study? hmmmmmm... Tags: question of day Current Mood: distressed Current Music: KC & The Sunshne Band - That's The Way I like It |
action ok, last night.. what i did last night? :D:D heheh it was fun night. ordinary 5day night in Milan... when you realist that electrical devices just stop working around you..this time it was a car.. in 1am.. heheh and than what you do? you push it (singing along - I am pushing elephant up the stairs by REM and afterward - she's a lady! whou, whou,whou!she's a lady :d hehe and have SO much fun! :) but after this kind of activities you always sleep sooooo good + you always get some bonus for this.. i liked - still like, mine... :P ;) I start to think to open a Midnight-car-pusher-club and would call it - Push-it, Push it! :D and today i just have a wonderful Saturday.. mmmmmm :) Tags: plan Current Mood: giggly Current Music: James Morrison - Wonderful World |
ramifications recognition of day - DO NOT DRESS UP UNDER THE LAMP IN YOUR ROOM.. IT MAY LEAVE A SMALL RAMIFICATIONS...! :D :D this song is really appropriate for last couple of days! :O :)) Current Mood: chipper Current Music: The beatles - A Hard Days Night |
i won ha-ha!i won!;) Just had a staring contest with opposit buildings neighbour!;D Lol.well actually that wasn't my aim-i just went on balcony to catch some sun..but it turned out like that!hehe so ;)funny!now i'm totally positive that in my neighbourhood lives 67+ people;) Should make some new friends;) Current Mood: amused Current Music: j |
63 i suck. really i do suck with public transportation,especially with buses and trying to find a supermarket in my hood!yo! :D:D:D it weren't enough, that i already got lost once... (well at least i know where is a football field and swimming pool and ..amm a place where u can... get killed! :D hehehe naa,not that bad.) the second time when i tried to get to that supermarket, well i got into the wrong bus.. and OF COURSE it was already dark.. :D (but everything ended up well) and now, tonight, i took right bus, but didnt know where to get out, so i just get out the stop near my house..AND walked home! :D heheh sounds pathetic. i suck! :D heheh so i'm WALKING to the shop on foot tomorrow morning! :D at least one get lost... (even though, not so sure about that any more, hehehhehe) :D x x x oh Saturday made negrinho candies - wu huuu! :) was fun! :) ad the bday evening was cute as well. at least had a candles to blow and a wish to make! ;)) wiii, what more u can ask?! :) p.s. i have a pet - piccolo serpentino! :) yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Current Mood: amused Current Music: Papa Dee - Island Rock |
this is how it will be, from now on.. :P ok. i really can't be in many places at once, but i really DO think, that you should be looked after by somebody...so this is what we will do - i will find somebody to do it on my place when i can't do it........
hmm and i think already found someone who is PERFECT for this job! :D + he makes smiles! :) :D so don't be distressed, it's my pal' ;) Tags: plan Current Mood: amused |
:) Siciliana felice! :) really i am really really really happy today! :) sunny. slept great (even overslept - never thought i would be happy for this fact) :D day is awesome. wearing my bad cop sunnies and helping people by showing the correct way/streets! :) it's fun! :)i guess bad cop appearance is not that scary as i planned! :D Current Mood: happy Current Music: Julie Andrews - I Feel Pretty |
!!! ok. if my "mahinations", "operations", "my style feng shui" is NOT going to help me to get my fluffy, puffy, fify - sweet as strawberries and juicy as cherries, dreams back - I am going to sleep on the floor. seriously. good night! Current Mood: hopeful |
damage check.. hehehe, ok, not THAT bad i would say! :) my lil sticy situatin had left me jean less (tha was my only pair.. well, there is always 2 options - go around with a jeans with a big L form whole and say thats a style ! YO! hehe or go shopping... hehehe actually i am pretty lucky, coz i ripped my jeans not my leg (i think i have a thing for cutts and cutters! hehehe ) so for yesterdays meeting.. (as i am inovative person) hehe i just used my bright pink pin to stick it to together. (on it was written BLONDY):D pretty accutrate for that moment! :D hehe ) xoxo Current Mood: content |
deeem OMK.OMK. i just run into table of my internship place. OMK. and i haev to go to the meeting. OMK. will describe damages and preventing operations later. LOL deeeeeeeeeeeem. Current Mood: hyper Current Music: Aerosmith - janes got a gun |
and done ok, i know what people are saying about cleaning n' stuff, but camoooon. it's fun! :))especially if you do it singing(TOTALLY awful, but fun as hell :D like Bridget Jones - "Can't liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive":D:D:D ) i did it! smells, looks and feels good. like home! :) Current Mood: chipper Current Music: Mia - Paper Planes |
oh happy day :) Don't know why, but today feels like a Sunday - a really lovely day. Today is the day when i first time tried sweet chestnuts (mmmm m!love it ! makes u feel wintery! :) hehe) acually all day today is lovely, brought up some lovely, a lil' forgotten memories and feelings about this city and moments in it. made my smile. :) so there is one thing i can say....... ..yep,indeed. despite crazy,arrogant,negative,pessimistic people i'm happy, and they can't spoil my smile! :) .... Today went grocery shopping and to make fidelity card for this supermarket near my house. alone. without dictionary. hehhe great success! :) of course it wouldn't be me, if it wouldn't do something silly, like overrated my donky-carrying skills. o after my little shopping, i just culdn't get that all stuff home. but i did!! wu huu! (after stopping every 5minutes to change hands! :D like that would help! riiiiiiiight!) :D also today made some experimental soup - great success. tastes good. even burned my tongue! :) feels like home! :) hehehe also found a vintage shop (after recommendations)- awesome! yee yee a lil overpriced, but anyway - can find good deals! :) (like vintage underwear from 70's ! :D hehe shop assistant offered it to 3 girls, hehe made me smile :) ,u,u,u,u and i bought this CUTE CUTE HUGE bag! yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! not vintage, but after some years i maybe can say that! :D hehehe AND just now bought tickets to home and back. so 21th will be home! :) Current Mood: happy Current Music: Dusty Springfield - Son of Preacher Man |
mans rajons! yo! ~heheheh! nosaukums jau izsaka vien visu! :D šodien tāda varen piepildīta diena! :)dikti gara, bet īsti nekas netika izdarīts! :) dabūju savu codice fiscale "(kas acīmredzot ir obligats, un nepieciešams kā gaiss! :D smieklīgi) satiku savu kolēģi - no Losandželosas! :) dikti feina meitene. izsmejāmies, kad tikām no visiem vaļā.. bet par to vēlāk.. :) viņa runā 5x vairāk un ātrāk nekā es - NOPIETNI! :D heheh, bet ir jautri! cilvēki uz mums skatās jo vina ir smāliete, bet visu mūzu dīvo štatos. viņai prakse D&G. (mēs jau sasmējāmies,ka viņai jaņem pildspalvas, krekliņi,utt! :D un protams, jādabū ielūgumi uz vīriešu modes nedēļu,kas sākas šonedēļ! :) mmmmmmmmmmmm :D:D:D:D:D viņai bija ašā ideja,ka jāiet iesmiet pa vienu amerikāņu veikalu,kur darbinieki ir tikai modeļi, un tādos malkas cirtēju kreklos!:d diezgan labs plāns (pēc 6 stundu pavadīšanas visādās itāļu valsts iestādēs - itāļu birokrātija ir vnk fantastiska! :D )ta u mēs gājām iesmiet, bet nonācām pie ta,ka menedžere piedāvāja mums tur strādāt, un tā arī aizgājām uz interviju - 30 minūtes vēlāk! :D bija jautri, bet nu uz neko neceru, daudz ar nemaksā, bet neaks ar naf jādara! :)staigā kā malkas cirtējs vai girl next door un neko nedari - tusējies un saki visiem - Hey guys! how are you?! heheh, smieklīgie amerikāņi! :D neko,teicā'm,ka varam pastrādāt tikai nedēļas nogales, bet tad jau redzēs. izrādās,ka pus Milānas bērneļi grib to darbu!:D hā-hā - smieklīgi! :d nu redzēs,kas tur sanāks - ziņošu! :) pagaidām tā pat pietiek ko darīt ar praksi, diplomdarbu un mēģināšanu saprast,ko cilvēki no manis grib! :D heh laikam cītīgāk jāsāk mācities itāļu valoda! :D o,jā,mans rajons. hehe. izkāpu no metro. gāju mājās, bija jau satumsis un migla, tā kā ejot garām parkam bija tāda creepy sajūta, ka trūkst ti pilnmēness, pūces un sikspārņi (un betmens! :D ). apkārt slejā arī daudz dzīvokļu mājas. cilvēki visi uz tevi skatās. nu,jutos kā Purčikā! :D (ielu gaismas, māju izkārtojums, aizdomīgi pacani! :D smieklīgi. bet tā jau rajonam naf ne vainas. šorīt ejot uz metro, pie sākumskolas strādāja ceļu poicists,kas aptur maašīnas (kā filmas - wu huuuu) un palaiž gējējus!:) hehe, jūties īpaši! kā filma! :) aaa,un šodien pirmo reizi atsitu galvu pret skapīšiem virs izlietnes! :D hehe a dzīvokļa biedreni nekas tāds nenotiek, jo viņa ir 150cm :) hehehehheh varu saderēt,ka šī nebūs pēdējā trauma! :D ari ne pirmā šeit! (sagriezu pirkstu 6dien! :D paredzami! :D Current Mood: silly Current Music: Artic Monkeys - when the sun gos down |
. mi manchi.già. |
1th night Ok. here i am. in my new apartment.in my new bed (pretty awesome! can sleep like a starfish!! :D what more u can ask?! :O :)) + CAN'T even compare to my evil-back-killing bed in France! :D ). Today met my new flat mate - she is great! :) I like her. really positive, smiley, and fun. :) so far so good! :)) will see how it will go. have to survive night - if she won't try to chop me with axe - wu huuu - she is AWESOMEEEEEEEE!! :)) yeee yeeeee! :))heheh kidding! Tomorrow my 1th stage day. so going to bed to get my beauty sleep! ;)) buona notte! ;)* Current Mood: peaceful Current Music: The Beatles - Blackbird |
here ta daaaaaaaaaa! ;) I 'm alive! :) wu huuu! and my bag tooo! :) wu uuu! :) after not sleeping much and running with 8 dresses, through the corridors of airports, just to switch the plains...well i caught the plain, my bag didn't BUT! :D hehehehe at least i didn't have to carry it around!! :)(i got it delivered at home!..wu huu!! Duchess is BACK) hehehehe well one day after, but still! :D as i had 8 dresses, i could even survive 8 days without it! (how thoughtful, huh?! :D hehehe) lets rock this place! ;) to be continued.... p.s. oah, one more thing, an interesting fact... 3 people,who bags also get lost was the ones who were sitting next to me in both plains... coincidence ? heheheh Current Mood: happy Current Music: Milk and Sugar - Let the sunshine in |
lol ..kalmārs joprojām ir smieklīgs! :D hehehe es jūtu,ka varēs dzrīz sarakstīt grāmatu nevis 1001 pasaka bet 1001 joks par kalmāru! :D visnotaļ lieliska atvadu ballīte, ar feinajiem, smiešanos,krišanu sniegā un vēl mazliet smiešanos! :) Tags: lol Current Mood: hyper Current Music: Iggy Pop - Lust For Life |
packing #2 wuuuu huuu! almost all packed and just 17kg! and just "few" pairs shoes to add and VOILA! i 'm done! :)) i 'm getting better and better every year (apart from wearing 8 dresses :D ) hehehehe maybe next year will be just 1 purse and 1 dress! :D (naaaaaaaaaaaaat) :D Tags: packing Current Mood: optimistic Current Music: William Balde - Rayon Soleil |
packing DONE. i just put clothes what i 'm going to wear on my leaving day.. 8 dresses is my limit!:D benefit is that you can't get cold + have more room in your suitcase! :) i will have now room for shoes! :D hehe and some more dresses! :D ) another benefits is that it's practically IMPOSSIBLE to lose in striptease card games! :d hehehe okkkkk back to packing - so far so good! :) heheh fatty good! :D hehehe, good that last dress is black, coz' black makes you look slimer! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Tags: packing Current Mood: silly Current Music: Dirty Stop Out - Tie Me Up |
;) Tiger is in da houuuuuuuuuse! ;) wuuu wuuuu fiestaaaaaaaaaa!! ;) and i have a place to stay!! wu huuuuuuuu! and and i just woke up!! wuuu huuuuuuuuu! :)) i already like this year!! :)) wiiiiiiiiiiii Current Mood: happy |
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