Out There
Saturday, January 2nd, 2010 03:33 am
packing #2

wuuuu huuu! almost all packed and just 17kg! and just "few" pairs shoes to add and VOILA! i 'm done! :))

i 'm getting better and better every year (apart from wearing 8 dresses :D ) hehehehe maybe next year will be just 1 purse and 1 dress! :D (naaaaaaaaaaaaat) :D

Current Mood: optimistic
Current Music: William Balde - Rayon Soleil

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Saturday, January 2nd, 2010 01:55 am

DONE. i just put clothes what i 'm going to wear on my leaving day..

8 dresses is my limit!:D

benefit is that you can't get cold + have more room in your suitcase! :) i will have now room for shoes! :D hehe and some more dresses! :D )
another benefits is that it's practically IMPOSSIBLE to lose in striptease card games! :d hehehe

okkkkk back to packing - so far so good! :) heheh

fatty good! :D hehehe, good that last dress is black, coz' black makes you look slimer! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Current Mood: silly
Current Music: Dirty Stop Out - Tie Me Up

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