Out There
Wednesday, April 27th, 2011 09:44 am

Plan of this spring

Current Mood: chipper

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Saturday, February 6th, 2010 05:46 pm

ok, last night.. what i did last night? :D:D heheh it was fun night. ordinary 5day night in Milan... when you realist that electrical devices just stop working around you..this time it was a car.. in 1am.. heheh and than what you do? you push it (singing along - I am pushing elephant up the stairs by REM and afterward - she's a lady! whou, whou,whou!she's a lady :d hehe and have SO much fun! :) but after this kind of activities you always sleep sooooo good + you always get some bonus for this.. i liked - still like, mine... :P ;)
I start to think to open a Midnight-car-pusher-club and would call it - Push-it, Push it! :D
and today i just have a wonderful Saturday.. mmmmmm :)

Current Mood: giggly
Current Music: James Morrison - Wonderful World

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Sunday, January 31st, 2010 11:22 pm
this is how it will be, from now on.. :P

ok. i really can't be in many places at once, but i really DO think, that you should be looked after by somebody...so this is what we will do - i will find somebody to do it on my place when i can't do it........ hmm and i think already found someone who is PERFECT for this job! :D + he makes smiles! :) :D so don't be distressed, it's my pal' ;)

Current Mood: amused

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Monday, December 14th, 2009 11:35 pm
plan of the day

watch breakfast at tiffany's.she is adorable and this movie will give me all the inspiration i need to catch up with everything:)<br><br>p.s. day is getting better and better ;) i love people around me ;)

Current Mood: hopeful
Current Music: Primal scream - loaded

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