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[1. Sep 2020|14:00]
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Date:1. Septembris 2020 - 18:05
Viņi ir ziedojuši abām partijām. To ir viegli pārbaudīt, jo šie dati ir publiski pieejami. Kā tad ir, "Paycheck Protection Program" ir Trampa administrācijas, vai ASV Kongresa kompetence?
[User Picture]
Date:1. Septembris 2020 - 18:15
chill, baby, it took few months and multiple messages for you to respond, take five ;) or 10, or u know, few months ;)
[User Picture]
Date:2. Septembris 2020 - 20:45

"best president the Catholic church has ever seen" @trump

pirmkārt, tehniska detaļa, ierakstā tiek lietots jēdziens "asv valdība", as in government, kas ietver both legislative and executive branches (plz look them up urself if needed)
On March 27, 2020, the President signed into law the CARES Act, which provides nearly $350 billion for PPP loans. president, tātad trump, tātad trumpa administrācijai ir vismaz tehniska saistība ar PPP. but it gets better. or should i say worse.

The law that created the Paycheck Protection Program let nonprofits participate, as long as they abided by SBA's "affiliation rule." The rule typically says that only businesses with fewer than 500 employees, including at all subsidiaries, are eligible. Religious groups persuaded the Trump administration to free them from a rule that typically disqualifies an applicant with more than 500 workers. Without this preferential treatment, many Catholic dioceses would have been ineligible
The Catholic News Service reported that the bishops' conference and several major Catholic nonprofit agencies worked throughout the week of March 30 to ensure that the "unique nature of the entities would not make them ineligible for the program" because of how SBA defines a "small" business.11
In late April, after thousands of Catholic institutions had secured loans, several hundred Catholic leaders pressed for additional help on a call with President Trump. During the call, Trump underscored the coming presidential election and touted himself as the candidate best aligned with religious conservatives, boasting he was the "best (president) the Catholic church has ever seen," according to Crux, an online publication that covers church-related news.

UPD: The US Catholic church may be the largest recipient of federal coronavirus aid, with as much as $3.5 billion