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(gandrīz) visa planētas zeme sauszeme par fiksēto cenu $60.00. [9. Nov 2009|13:23]
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[User Picture]
Date:9. Novembris 2009 - 19:29
oficiālā versija.

Hello Martin,

That is a very good question. I am forwarding your query to the designers. Will let you know their response.

THANK YOU for writing,

[User Picture]
Date:9. Novembris 2009 - 20:19


please, let me know their response. thank u.
[User Picture]
Date:19. Novembris 2009 - 17:48

ieteicu gatavot atsevišķi neiekļautās zemes.

Hello Martin,

Apologies...I thought I replied with the answer from the Design Glut: "Unfortunately, due to the way the necklaces are made, it's only possible to achieve a certain level of detail. The continents are attached to each other by metal rings, and any islands smaller than the size of one of the metal rings would be impossible to attach! We're by no means discriminating against those countries," they added.

We did give them a hard time at this reply, of course! It is unfortunate it doesn't include everything. But at least they are honest as to why.

Thank you for inquiring. -Rose