Baby sitting

Ir patīkami savā ziņā pavadīt laiku ar māsas 1,5 gadīgo bērnu.
Taču nezinu kā viņi to spēj paciest katru dienu.

Man nācās par viņu rūpēties nepilnas 2 dienas (kamēr māsa ar vīru bija Positivusā) un es jau jutos absolūti izsmelta no skraidīšanas viņam pakaļ.
Pie tam sapratu, ka rūpes par tik mazu bērnu sagādā reālu morālo piepūli.
Apziņa, ka jebkurā telpā viņš atradīs veidu kā sevi ievainot un tā būs tava nolaidības vaina, ja ar viņu kaut kas notiks.
Pie tam mana konstitūcija gandrīz sabrūk momentos, kad bērns pēkšņi atminas, ka viņam nav līdzās mamma, un sāk saukt pēc tās raudot ar vien žēlabāk pie jebkurām mierināšanas metodēm. Šādi tas notiek pamostoties no rīta, ik pēc 2,5h dienas laikā, un it sevišķi ejot gulēt vakarā - tad tu saproti, ka visa bērna pasaule rit tikai ap viņa māti un tu esi tikai ļoti lēts aizvietojums viņas klātbūtnei.

Taču ar laiku tas viss mainās, vajag tikai būt pacietīgam un spēt mazo audzināt.
Nez, bet lai to paveiktu pareizi un no viņa neizaugtu kaut kāds iedomīgs pimpis, vajadzētu patiešām visiem potenciālajiem vecākiem iziet kādus sagatavošanas kursus. Ja es pēkšņi iegūtu sev bērnu, visnotaļ nejustos uz doto brīdi gana zinoša, lai rūpētos par to.
Vai ir kādas skolas, kas māca kā kļūt par labu vecāku?
Un ja tādas ir, tad man liekas mana māte to visnotaļ neapmeklēja un ja apmeklēja, tad saņēma daudzos priekšmetos nesekmīgas atzīmes...

Aš slikti sametas iedomājoties, cik daudz noteikti pasaulē ir sūdīgu vecāku.
Vismaz gandarījums, ka mana māsa ar vīru vairāk vai mazāk zina, ko viņi dara un konstanti iegulda laiku, lai arī sevi izglītotu bērnu audzināšanā.


I thought you might say that :)
Though I do not see why one wouldn't want them in general, just that it takes a certain maturity in your morals and certainly needs some prior preparation to the fact!
I would certainly like to have a kid if I could afford the money and time needed to invest in it. I don't right now, but I hope I will some day :P

Still, I would have to say that the world would be a better place if having children was a privilege that people should earn with their knowledge, constitution and financial back-up.
1st law of kid dynamics: A kid's need for attention will expand to fill all available time.
so true :)
why one wouldnt want them in general? you just wrote all the stuff up there yourself. one should be a masochist to WANT that for more than a day. of course, other people dont see the big deal about CONSTANTLY watching a baby for about 5 years CEASELESSLY, but I think that is the highest form of torture.

as for myself - I would want one only if I could skip the first 5 years of this. because I dont think there is much virtue in watching the kid not to kill itself. I think the real virtue of raising a child comes when the child starts to understand stuff and you can learn him stuff and he explores the world and that kind of shit. that could be quite interesting and even rewarding.
True - the first 5 years are the hardest in attention that you have to give to the child.

But in those years as well it is learning every single second and what you show him and teach him at 1 year of age is no less and possibly even more so important than when the child starts to make sense on its own, cause by then it has already sized up the world in large dimensions that you can no longer change easily.
I really don't know if this is so. I think in that stage the child simply understands some basic stuff, upon which you can teach it some other stuff.

but I am sure there are some scientific studies on this.
Yeah, yeah...but you of all should know that the metaphysical also gives us baggage that comes along no matter what age you are and particularly in a small child you can see the raw and higher self much clearer - if you look beyond the puking and pooping and falling down all the time :)
So it is with every added day that these aspects are sheltered off due to our new life experiences, physical and social boundaries.
Yeah I bet that with every other day it becomes more and more impossible to look past the puking and pooping. Whether it hits the omg-what-have-i-done-with-my-life level in a few days or a few months is a matter of stubbornness and altruism of the parent.
not really, since the puking and pooing gets less and less with each day of the parents stubbornness and altruism to show the fruits of their labour, that is if they have worked at raising the child and not simply cleaned up after them
I think we're talking indifferent scales here... the child will not start pooping less in his first few weeks, but that's sure as fuck gonna be enough for me to give him up for adoption... on a highway.

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