- 9.10.08 09:31
- Atvainošanās par pagātnes grēkiem: "official apologies for distant events, however important or pregnant with consequences those events may have been, ... have bad effects on both those who give them and those who receive them.
The effect on the givers is the creation of a state of spiritual pride. Insofar as the person offering the apology is doing what no one has done before him, he is likely to consider himself the moral superior of his predecessors. He alone has had the moral insight and courage to apologize.
On the other hand, he knows full well that he has absolutely no personal moral responsibility for whatever it is that he is apologizing for. In other words, his apology brings him all kudos and no pain."
http://www.incharacter.org/article.php?article=119 - 1 piezīmesvieta jūsu piezīmēm
- 9.10.08 07:45
Diez vai varētu piekrist.
Galu galā, tad jau tādas atvainošanās būtu uz katra soļa, bet čo to, piemēram, Krievija dikti dusmojas par ideju, ka tā varētu atvainoties par Baltijas valstu okupāciju. Un kā ar Turciju un Armēniju?
Es domāju, ka atvainošanās par pagātnes grēkiem, ir arī demonstrācija tam, ka attiecīgā valsts/iestāde vismaz oficiālā līmenī nosoda šo (grēkaino) rīcību, nevis uzskata to par OK. Kas varētu būt norāde saviem pilsoņiem, savām skolām, un tamlīdzīgi. - Atbildēt