- 7.10.07 17:18
- 24 dziesmas, par kuru izplatīšanu internetā indiāņu dāmai Džamijai Tomasai tiesa piesprieda 222 000 ASV dolāru soda naudu. Jāsaka, diezgan padārgi. Turklāt vēl par šādu izvēli.
Guns N Roses "Welcome to the Jungle"; "November Rain"
Vanessa Williams "Save the Best for Last"
Janet Jackson "Let's What Awhile"
Gloria Estefan "Here We Are"; "Coming Out of the Heart"; "Rhythm is Gonna Get You"
Goo Goo Dolls "Iris"
Journey "Faithfully"; "Don't Stop Believing"
Sara McLachlan "Possession"; "Building a Mystery"
Aerosmith "Cryin'"
Linkin Park "One Step Closer"
Def Leppard "Pour Some Sugar on Me"
Reba McEntire "One Honest Heart"
Bryan Adams "Somebody"
No Doubt "Bathwater"; "Hella Good"; "Different People"
Sheryl Crow "Run Baby Run"
Richard Marx "Now and Forever"
Destiny's Child "Bills, Bills, Bills"
Green Day "Basket Case" - 4 piezīmesvieta jūsu piezīmēm
- 7.10.07 18:21
man tas nedraud!
- Atbildēt
- Welcome to the Jungle
- 7.10.07 18:59
Save the Best for Last
Here We Are
One Step Closer
Run Baby Run
Now and Forever
Bills, Bills, Bills - Atbildēt
- Re: Welcome to the Jungle
- 7.10.07 19:11
jāatzīmē, ka dziesmu nosaukumi, manuprāt, lieliski apraxta sekas
- Atbildēt
- 8.10.07 23:10
ēēē... adekvāts sods. par gaumi un ar gaumi. :)
- Atbildēt