- 1.8.05 12:08
- In America they talk of a plot to rival The Matrix and of a bestseller to match The Da Vinci Code, but the hype surrounding a compelling first novel called The Traveller is as nothing compared with the
mystery lurking behind it.
The book, which has just been published in Britain, is written by the improbably named John Twelve Hawks whonobody, not even his New York editors at Random House, has yet met. Billed as a JD Salinger or Thomas Pynchon-style recluse, Twelve Hawks, which his publishers admit is a pseudonym, has refused to appear in public to promote his hugely successful debut work. Even a film offer from Universal has failed to flush him out.
'The fact that he is reclusive andanonymous has just added to the fun,' said
lucy Salig, of Random House in New York, who went on to explain that Twelve Hawks will only communicate with his editor on a telephone connection that is scrambled and that he calls on an untraceable satellite set.
The Traveller, best described as an epic sci-fifantasy, has figured prominently in the New York Times bestseller list since its publication and is planned as the first of a trilogy.
'Picture The Matrix crossed with William Gibson and you'll have a sense of The Traveller,' a Newsday critic said, adding that the 'writing is compelling, and my main complaint is that the book feels unfinished - because the story will continue in two more volumes. I can't wait to read them.'
It tells the story of Londonermaya, a rebellious member of a select group called the
harlequins who has been brought up by her father in a world referred to as 'off the grid' and who then is forced to travel in the real world in order to protect the planet's two remaining 'travellers', two 'differently gifted' Los Angeles-based brothers.
It might sound unlikely stuff, but the British and American editorial teams behind Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code were quick to make a three-book deal and publish simultaneously in 18 countries, while Universal Studios stepped in with a pre-emptive 'option' to make the film before the book's publication. Steven Spielberg is rumoured to be interested in directing.
Like Salinger and Pynchon before him, Twelve Hawks's desire for privacy has perhaps calculatedly sparked increased interest from fans. There are internet chat rooms and blogs devoted to cracking the secret of his, or her, identity.
The contents of the book betray a thorough knowledge of life in Prague, London and Los Angeles, but so far this is the best clue. - 8 piezīmesvieta jūsu piezīmēm
- 1.8.05 12:43
Kurš no jums ir bijis Prāgā, Londonā un LA?
- Atbildēt
- 1.8.05 12:59
un kā Tev liekas? :)
- Atbildēt
- 1.8.05 12:59
man jau likās, ka ilgi mēs nenoslēpsimies
- Atbildēt
- 1.8.05 13:13
Man gan likās, ka šis teksts ir nevis par slēpšanos, bet atrašanu - bet tā kā pēdējā laikā īpaši nenovēroju cibas lietotāju pieplūdumu (kurš tad var iegaumēt 7000) un arī visu rakstītāju vārdus atmiņā paturu slikti, vairāk par šiem diviem tā uz ātro neatradu.
- Atbildēt
- 1.8.05 13:19
nevar tak atrast to, kurš nav paslēpies :))
čau! - Atbildēt
- 1.8.05 13:26
Re, atradu vēl dažus! Slēpjas seski.
- Atbildēt
- 1.8.05 13:36
Tu aizmirsi aizskriet līdz priedei un pieklauvēt, saucot tuk tuk par :))
- Atbildēt