- 12.9.03 14:19
- Johnny Cash miris
Current music: One - 3 piezīmesvieta jūsu piezīmēm
- 12.9.03 14:34
At my door the leaves are falling
A cold wild wind has come
Sweethearts walk by together
And I still miss someone
I go out on a party
And look for a little fun
But I find a darkened corner
because I still miss someone
Oh, no I never got over those blues eyes
I see them every where
I miss those arms that held me
When all the love was there
I wonder if she's sorry
For leavin' what we'd begun
There's someone for me somewhere
And I still miss someone - Atbildēt
- 12.9.03 15:09
Viņam sieva jau ar šogad mira.
Domājams, tāpēc.
Neba tāds bullis 71 gada vecumā ar kuņga slimību spaini apspertu. - Atbildēt
- 12.9.03 18:56
njā. hurt man patika
- Atbildēt