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Tom Bearden, “AIDS/Biological warfare”, 'Extraordinary Biology', p 231-235.

Tom Bearden, “AIDS/Biological warfare”, 'Extraordinary Biology', p 231-235.

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A New View of the Nature of Mind and Thought.

The reason that Western science has not discovered what mind and thought are is simple: They have only built instruments and tools to look where mind and thought are not to be found. Let's look where they are to be found.

For example, consider the ionic discharges in and across the termendous numbers of synapses of the human nervous system, and the slower discharge and migration of ions across cellular membranes, etc.

Considered as a single biological ensemble, these are much like a vast array of continual and continuing spark discharge vectors, slow charge current vectors, etc.

Overall, within tha macroscopic space occupied by the body, these electromagnetic vectors sum almost entirely to a zero vector resultant. Only a tiny nonzero vector residue remains.

However, this vector zero summation has incredibly rich infolded signals, channels, and dynamic relationships (structure) within it.

Modern science/medicine measures the small nonzero electromagnetic residue (the remaining E [elektriskais lauks] and H [magnētiskais lauks] fields) and tries to ascertain where and how mind and thought are accomplished, by studying that residue.

However, the residue E and H field remainders are simply “garbage thrown out” of the glorious engines dynamically operating inside the vector zero summations (and multiplications).

The E and H field residues are the wastes or exhaust byproducts. They are not the functions of the mind/thought process itself; instead, they are the spillage or leakage form those functions. Take a “frozen time” snapshot of the components of the zero vector summation. Regard the highly complex, infolded structure or pattern these components form.

Now take a second “frozen time” snapshot of the components of the zero vector summation, a very, very short time later. Substract the previous “frozen pattern” form this second “frozen pattern”. The difference or 'delta' between two patterns represents a myriad of thoughts, hence it represents the contents of the “thinking mind”, in most general sense. The “mind” is the overall functioning and changing of the entire pattern's substructure, and the ability of an organism to have such and to do such. Tha “ability of the organism to do such” requires at least two more nested levels of virtual state – two more hyperdimensions. In simplest Kaluza-Klein theory, all those electromagnetic component vectors are in the fifth dimension. Hence they ary hyperdimensional...

...Everything driving the component vectors themselves is higher dimensional. “A thought” is the exact change of a localized pattern (localized zero vector summation whose components are changing but remaining zero summed) from one moment to next.

Thought is always a pattern change, of the components inside an EM vector zero summation. Most thoughts are totally “unconscious” (multiple or “parallel” thoughts). A few are conscious (serially ordered, singulary considered and processed).

The unconscious mind is totally a parallel processor (many thoughts/things at once). The conscious mind is totally a serial processor (only one thing/thought at a time).

Most persons never take the time and trouble to reflect and notice that, consciously, they only can percieve one single thing at a time. Of course, that conscious mind is so rapid that by habit they assume they can perceive many things at once.

Since the conscious mind cannot discriminate the “multiple images in the slide projector at once” if the unconscious mind, that's what makes it unable to “be conscious” of the contents of the “unconscious”.

In fact, the unconscious mind is totally conscious – it's just multiply conscious “simultaneously.” (Which sheds some interesting light on why one can develop multiple personalities, for instance).

When the conscious mind “regards” the unconscious contents, ir sees “something” which has “multiple meanings at once.”

That's what we call symbolic. A symbol is something which can have many meanings at once.

That's why the unconscious content always “symbolises” something when it's trying to communicate to the conscious mind. It's necessary to interpret symbols to understand what the message being communicated is. That's why dreams, for instance, are symbolic. And that's why it usually takes a trained psychiatrist or psychologist to properly interpret the symbolic representations manifested ir mental disorder, and get at the underlying cause being symbolized. With a deliberately constructed scalar EM, any or all of the conscious/unconscious portions of the mind can be available for engineering and control/change. Eventually you will be able to put contents of mind and memory an a video screen if you wish to. It will also be possible to interact with the mind's contents electromagnetically. Mental illness will be treated directly, on an engineering basis.
...Of course, this opens up the frightening possibility af the hostile misuse of the detriment of an individual. It is even possible to change or erase his or her very personality itself... (!!!)

Tom Bearden, “AIDS/Biological warfare” 1988, 'Extraordinary Biology', p 231-235.

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