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[Apr. 6th, 2017|09:09 am]
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Poēma mirušam bulterjeram, tapusi/publicēta ap 1915. gadu.

Bull Terrier? Sure; she’s a white ‘un—there ain’t no other breed—
Frolic around you in sunshine, murder in time o’ need.
Soul? O’course, she ain’t got none. A dog with a soul, gee whiz!
We folks, so the preachers tell us, has all the souls that there is.

Visa šeit.
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Date:April 6th, 2017 - 09:22 am
Murder in time o’ need.

Nice doggy.
Date:April 6th, 2017 - 11:13 am
Diezko jauki neizklausās, jā. Bet vienradžu slepkavas tak jākillo.