mind: lol no i'm going to replay it just when you feel good about yourself or bad about yourself or when you're bored and trying to fall asleep and whenever i want
Wed, Jan. 4th, 2012, 03:44 pmmind: lol no i'm going to replay it just when you feel good about yourself or bad about yourself or when you're bored and trying to fall asleep and whenever i want Wed, Jan. 4th, 2012, 05:50 pm
ha haha kāpēc man vajadzēja nožauties viņa priekšā T_T lol un vispār es apkaunojošos brīžus atceros forever. like, mani vajā pat 10 gadu senas izgāšanās Wed, Jan. 4th, 2012, 07:20 pm