
es nesaprotu :/

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Dec. 2., 2011 | 03:57 pm
posted by: rubija in pajautaa

Lūdzu kāds var paskaidrot šo teoriju ?

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Comments {21}

tas neizlasāmais jūzerneims

from: [info]bax55hqy8dlb
date: Dec. 2., 2011 - 05:05 pm

General tau theory deals with the guidance of bodily movements. All movements of the body, and within the body, require guided closure of action-gaps. An action-gap, generally defined, is the changing gap between a current state and a goal state. Examples are the distance action-gap between the hand and an object, when reaching, the optical action-gap between the images of the hand and target object, the suction action-gap when a baby is drawing in milk, and the pitch action-gap when a singer is sliding between notes. The tau of an action-gap is the time-to-closure of the action-gap, i.e., the current size of the action-gap divided by its current rate of closure. Tau-coupling means keeping the taus of two action-gaps in constant ratio during a movement.

The theory was developed from work on J. J. Gibson's notion of ecological invariants in the visual flow-field during a perception-in-action event, and subsequently generalised in the late 1990s to a ubiquitous, amodal theory of perceptuomotor control.

General tau theory considers the organism acting as a unified whole in dynamic relations with its environment, rather than conceiving of the organism as a complex mechanical device reducible into analysable parts. The theory is firmly embedded in ecological thinking, paying attention to both organism and environment, and drawing information from their forms of interaction. Indeed, generalised tau theory has been developed by thinking specifically about the relational, or ecological invariants in engagements between organism and environment. This whole-systems approach is both ethically satisfying and intellectually illuminating to the extent that it offers not only insight into the nature of living, but also offers pragmatic, human benefits in both designing our constructed world (e.g. in cockpit design) and in therapy of movement disorders (e.g. Parkinson's Disease).

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from: [info]rubija
date: Dec. 2., 2011 - 05:10 pm

:///////// paldies

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from: [info]rubija
date: Dec. 2., 2011 - 05:19 pm

hahaha, tas jau nu čista neko neizskaidro, vienkārši vēl vairāk rada confused :///

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tas neizlasāmais jūzerneims

from: [info]bax55hqy8dlb
date: Dec. 2., 2011 - 06:53 pm

nu tad sameklē kādu tulku, kas pa 4 latiem tev iztulkos to sakarīgā latviešu valodā.

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from: [info]safe
date: Dec. 2., 2011 - 06:54 pm


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tas neizlasāmais jūzerneims

from: [info]bax55hqy8dlb
date: Dec. 2., 2011 - 06:56 pm

es domāju, ka tā ir sieviete. bet nu jā - nav cita vārda kādā nosaukt cilvēku, kurš izlasa skaidrojumu un grib, lai kāds viņai paskaidro to pašu vēlreiz.

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from: [info]rubija
date: Dec. 2., 2011 - 07:33 pm

Tu neesi mana mērķa auditorija, pirmām kārtām, heh :> Es šeit vairāk cerēju uz kādu kuram šis liksies ar pirmo uzmetienu jau kaut kas redzēts un zināms, kā zinātnisks materiāls un varēs man vienkārši pateikt, kas tā par hujņu precīzāk, jo manā galvā pašlaik, tas ir pārāk abstrakti.

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from: [info]safe
date: Dec. 3., 2011 - 12:22 am

tu esi idiņš

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tas neizlasāmais jūzerneims

from: [info]bax55hqy8dlb
date: Dec. 3., 2011 - 01:02 am

pati nevari autorei paskaidrot to frāzi, bet citus sauc par idiotiem?

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from: [info]safe
date: Dec. 3., 2011 - 01:46 am

jā, tā aptuveni sanāca.
besī idiņi, kas nevar cilvēkam palīdzēt, ja ir zināšanas, bet tā vietā kaut ko mētā (iekopēt wiki tekstu ,yeahhhh... ieteikt google translate..yeahhh.......................)

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tas neizlasāmais jūzerneims

from: [info]bax55hqy8dlb
date: Dec. 3., 2011 - 03:02 am

tie idiņi, kas sauc citus par idiotiem, lai arī paši prot tikai malku skaitīt? :D

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from: [info]safe
date: Dec. 3., 2011 - 01:26 pm

ko tu zini, ko es māku skaitīt, idiņ.

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tas neizlasāmais jūzerneims

from: [info]bax55hqy8dlb
date: Dec. 3., 2011 - 03:34 pm

aziej paraudi uz mammas pleca, jo autorei tu nekādu labumu neesi devusi, tik cik katrā postā uzrakstījusi "idiņ", kas vien liecina par tavām zināšanām.

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from: [info]safe
date: Dec. 3., 2011 - 03:53 pm

nu jā, es nerādu savu labumiņu katru dienu.

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chloroform in print

from: [info]gorgona
date: Dec. 3., 2011 - 01:08 am

pilnīgs idiņš. viņš tak pat rakstīt nemāk, simpunkt, viņš izmanto windowisko runas atpazīšanas programmu, kas viņa vietā tekstus uzraksta.

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from: [info]rubija
date: Dec. 2., 2011 - 07:34 pm

bišķīt (blush)

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from: [info]rubija
date: Dec. 2., 2011 - 07:34 pm


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Celku Izēdājs

from: [info]blutzeuge
date: Dec. 2., 2011 - 11:42 pm

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from: [info]rubija
date: Dec. 3., 2011 - 01:29 am

esmu vientuļa savā neizpratnē :/

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