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[Oct. 3rd, 2013|09:39 am]
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Ja jūs šaubāties pirkt vai nepirkt Dobeles makaroņus, tad nešaubieties ne mirkli. Pārsteidzoši labi.

Un ja jums pieriebušies kāposti, tad sautējot piešaujiet kariju. Oi! Ja nu vienīgi, vēderu mīkstinošais efekts daudzkāršojas... :D

Un es tā arī nesapratu - apēda Knopka bebrukārkliņa ogu vai ne. Es n reizes klārēju, ka šitās ogas nedrīkst. Es tak nevaru 5 ha izravēt visus indīgos augis! Bet tak vienā jaukā dienā atnāca pilnu sauju smuku ogu. Labi, ka viņa vienmēr nāk ar mani dalīties. Es saku - met prom! Vai apēdi jau?
Ja vienu esot apēdusi.
Saku, ka indīgas taču!
Tad uzreiz versija mainās - nē, neesot ēdusi.
Un pat ja tās ogas ir negaršīgas, tas nav arguments. Šitas skuķis sukā iekšā aronijas un pīlādžus arī - tie jau ar nav diez ko.
Bet tad kā pēc grāmatas - 3 h pēc notikuma sākās tracis. Kašķi un tā kā miegs, ne miegs, kā grāmatā "apjukums un delirijs" - nu vieglā formā. Ja būtu daudz saēdusies, tad tak vemtu un pļūtītu - bet nekā tāda. Ja būtu vienkārši temperatūras un slimības kašķi, tad tie viņai sākas vakarā.
Nu neko - drošības pēc iebaroju vienu sorbexu un liku gulēt.
Pēc pāris stundām pamodās samērā svaiga.
Tikām cauri ar vieglu izbīli.
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[User Picture]
Date:October 3rd, 2013 - 10:34 am

Therapy—Dulcamara is a remedy for all conditions resulting from suppression of secretion, from exposure to cold and dampness. It will restore normal excretion and secretion.

In acute coryza, in bronchial and nasal catarrh, in lung congestion and bronchial cough, with pain in the chest, all from cold, in bronchial asthma, and in acute bronchitis it is an excellent auxiliary remedy.

In eruptive fevers it assists in determining the eruption to the surface, especially if there is retrocession. It has a direct action upon the skin also, being given in pustular eczemas and vesicular disorders quite freely. It has produced good results in psoriasis, pityriasis, lepra, and other scaly skin disorders. It acts as an alterative in such cases, and will influence the skin derangements of scrofula and syphilis to a certain extent. It is available in the various skin disorders of childhood from disordered blood and deranged stomach.

It is an excellent alterative, if administered with care, and is therefore valuable in syphilis, scrofula, and other blood disorders. In acute and chronic rheumatism from exposure to dampness and cold, and in gout, it has been advantageously used.

Nervous irritation with depression, with hyperesthesia of the organs, and pruritus pudendi are relieved by it. It may be used in spermatorrhea with undue excitement, priapism, nymphomania, and satyriasis. It should be given first in small doses, increased to full amount if necessary. In suppression of the menses with headache and nausea and acute ovarian congestion, it will work well.

It is advised in the treatment of catarrh of the bladder, and as a stimulant to the urinary secretion.
[User Picture]
Date:October 3rd, 2013 - 10:43 am
Saki, ka Knopka gāja savu astmu ārstēt?
[User Picture]
Date:October 3rd, 2013 - 10:47 am
nu es laikam neriskētu šito barot pret bronhītu, kaut arī visur teikts, ka sliktie efekti ir atgriezeniski. nekur neatrodu dozas. un tajā linkā ir arī šis

Physiological Action—This agent is a powerful poison to all living protoplasm. It coagulates the blood and destroys the integrity of the corpuscles.

Injected into the veins it causes dyspnea, thrombosis in the vessels and arrest of respiration. Toxic doses produce tremors, muscular contractions, central paralysis, collapse, coma, a violent fall of the temperature and death.

It is a narcotic, and in toxic doses causes nausea, vomiting, faintness, pain in the joints, numbness of the limbs, dryness of the mouth, convulsive movements, a small hard pulse, paralysis of the tongue, a purplish color of the face and hands, twitching of the eyelids and lips, trembling of the limbs, erythematous eruption, suppression of venereal desire, though recovery has followed after very large doses. Clarus administered six grains of solanine, which produced general cephalic distress, with occipital pain, increase of the frequency and loss of the force of the pulse, followed after some hours by sudden vomiting, diarrhea, great weakness, and marked dyspnea.
[User Picture]
Date:October 3rd, 2013 - 11:59 am
mums arī dobeles makaroni ir 2. vietā pēc gemosā pirktajiem.
[User Picture]
Date:October 3rd, 2013 - 04:48 pm
Gemosu neesmu mēģinajusi. Mums Italpasta līdz šim skaitījās labakie.
[User Picture]
Date:October 3rd, 2013 - 09:59 pm
Italpasta peec shiem abiem atpuushas :)
[User Picture]
Date:October 3rd, 2013 - 12:29 pm
Jā, Dobeles makaroni tiešām ir labi; es uz Lietuvu tos tik vien pirku.
Jācer, Knopkai pēc šī atgadījuma drusku labāk iesēdīsies atmiņā, ka smukās sarkanās odziņas nedrīkst. Tev būs jāveic pilna floras inventarizācija tuvākajā apkārtnē un jau laikus jāsagūglē instrukcijas, ko darīt, ja apēsts kāds no ne pārāk vēlamajiem augiem :)
[User Picture]
Date:October 3rd, 2013 - 04:45 pm
Ai, no probļem! Man toksikoloģijas rokasgrāmata plauktā. :D