Decembris 4., 2007

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tāks, tā kā man vairs nav Recovery manager, bet ir recovery partīcija, tad, lai ieburnētu recovery diskus būs jāpadarbojas:

Jautājums: Vai Active partition ir tas pats kas Boot partition?? Angliski ir viens vārds OR, kas latviski var nozīmēt gan "vai", gan " jeb".

Atbilde: Nē, Active = System.
* Whenever a computer system is started, either from a cold boot using the power switch or a warm boot such as restarting the system from within Windows, there are certain files needed to boot (start) the computer. These boot files reside on the System partition.
* Once the boot files have been accessed and performed their function, the system files (the files that comprise the XP operating system) are accessed to complete the system start. The system files reside on the Boot partition.
** There is one more term that you may occasionally run across and that's Active partition. Any primary partition that has an operating system installed on it may be designated as the Active partition simply for the sake of convenience in making it the System partition. Active partition and System partition mean the same thing.

Piebilde ja tas, kas raksīts augstāk ir taisnība, tad uz mana datora šobrīd System jeb Active = Recovery partīcija (kas nozīmē, ka viņam vajadzētu atjaunoties no recovery?) un Boot = loģiskā, kur instalēju XP. tas nozīmē, ka hvz kā es varu atjaunoties uz factory settings...

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