Surprise, surprise - vienīgo nejaušo apstiprinājumu trakajām Cater'a idejām (grāmatiņu Awesome Life Force es sev pats uzdāvināšu ceturtdaļgadsimta jubilejā)izdevās atrast Alex Collier teiktajā, tobiš tajā, ko apgalvo Andromedieši:
"All planets, suns and moons that are real, that were created by part of the creation, are hollow. There are no exceptions. I want you to look for Life magazine, an issue that was published on November 10, 1967. It shows a photograph of the Earth taken by the lunar orbiter, which shows a 1,600 mile diameter egress into the planet at the north polar area.
Now, we are always taught that the Earth is round, a sphere. Being somewhat pear-shaped, this is mostly true. However, persisted legends of flat areas. The top of the planet, having been hit a glancing blow by a planetary body billions of years ago, is very flat.
Most space photographs of the Earth either delete the top of the planet to some degree, or the photo's are doctored to show what the public expects to see. The magnetic north pole is at 23.5 degrees latitude. About 200 miles south of the circular dip at the top of the planet is a 78 mile diameter opening into the planet. It's technically in northern Canada.
Now, according to the Andromedans, the nature of gravity is different than we are told. We are told that because a planet spins on its axis, the centrifugal force "creates gravity". Well, according to the Andromedans, that is not at all accurate, and that gravity is produced by highly penetrating radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum at a frequency of about 1 trillion cycles per second.
Because our planet is hollow, it contains different caverns throughout its shell. It can support many times the life we think it can because there is a lot more livable surface area than we are taught there is. The following is a description of what it is like to descend into the interior of the Earth, given to me by the Andromedans:
"When you go five miles into your Earth, you will rapidly lose body weight. The reason for this is the limited ability of gravity radiations and the gravity radiations and gravity effects of the Earth above counteract the gravity effects of the Earth below.
Their counteracting effects are enhanced by the mass of the Earth above which will transform some of the infrared radiations emanated by matter into a gravity-producing radiation per the laws of redistribution. When you reach a depth of ten miles, you will notice that it begins to get lighter around you"
Vissaeus said that there are no shadows to be found anywhere in the interior of the Earth at a depth of 100 miles because the light is contained in the particles that come from all directions and not a single source. In other words, the air itself seems to glow, along with everything else.
Plant and animal forms flourish and grow larger than on the surface of the planet. At a depth of some 700 to 729 miles, one reaches a space of almost zero gravity because of the screening effect of soft particles. Going further about another 700 miles or so, you break out into the surface of the inner sphere, which has gravity due to the mechanics of the soft electrons and other balancing forces. An inner sun has formed because the particles of light concentrate at the center.
Now, the orbit of the Earth has been changed three times, according to the Andromedans. During the time of Atlantis, is was possible to see both of the suns in our solar system, and the benefit of this is that you had day and twilight instead of day and night. But then, the planet was moved."
Varētu tam visam neticēt, ja nebūtu lasījis grāmatu un nebūtu redzējis to bildi LIFE žurnālā. Unfortunately, i have.
"All planets, suns and moons that are real, that were created by part of the creation, are hollow. There are no exceptions. I want you to look for Life magazine, an issue that was published on November 10, 1967. It shows a photograph of the Earth taken by the lunar orbiter, which shows a 1,600 mile diameter egress into the planet at the north polar area.
Now, we are always taught that the Earth is round, a sphere. Being somewhat pear-shaped, this is mostly true. However, persisted legends of flat areas. The top of the planet, having been hit a glancing blow by a planetary body billions of years ago, is very flat.
Most space photographs of the Earth either delete the top of the planet to some degree, or the photo's are doctored to show what the public expects to see. The magnetic north pole is at 23.5 degrees latitude. About 200 miles south of the circular dip at the top of the planet is a 78 mile diameter opening into the planet. It's technically in northern Canada.
Now, according to the Andromedans, the nature of gravity is different than we are told. We are told that because a planet spins on its axis, the centrifugal force "creates gravity". Well, according to the Andromedans, that is not at all accurate, and that gravity is produced by highly penetrating radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum at a frequency of about 1 trillion cycles per second.
Because our planet is hollow, it contains different caverns throughout its shell. It can support many times the life we think it can because there is a lot more livable surface area than we are taught there is. The following is a description of what it is like to descend into the interior of the Earth, given to me by the Andromedans:
"When you go five miles into your Earth, you will rapidly lose body weight. The reason for this is the limited ability of gravity radiations and the gravity radiations and gravity effects of the Earth above counteract the gravity effects of the Earth below.
Their counteracting effects are enhanced by the mass of the Earth above which will transform some of the infrared radiations emanated by matter into a gravity-producing radiation per the laws of redistribution. When you reach a depth of ten miles, you will notice that it begins to get lighter around you"
Vissaeus said that there are no shadows to be found anywhere in the interior of the Earth at a depth of 100 miles because the light is contained in the particles that come from all directions and not a single source. In other words, the air itself seems to glow, along with everything else.
Plant and animal forms flourish and grow larger than on the surface of the planet. At a depth of some 700 to 729 miles, one reaches a space of almost zero gravity because of the screening effect of soft particles. Going further about another 700 miles or so, you break out into the surface of the inner sphere, which has gravity due to the mechanics of the soft electrons and other balancing forces. An inner sun has formed because the particles of light concentrate at the center.
Now, the orbit of the Earth has been changed three times, according to the Andromedans. During the time of Atlantis, is was possible to see both of the suns in our solar system, and the benefit of this is that you had day and twilight instead of day and night. But then, the planet was moved."
Varētu tam visam neticēt, ja nebūtu lasījis grāmatu un nebūtu redzējis to bildi LIFE žurnālā. Unfortunately, i have.
Bet īstenībā te ir vieta tikai vienam vārdam - wow. Izklausās neticami, bet.. pieredze rāda, ka visticamāk tieši tas neticamais ir tas tuvākais īstenībai. Un Collier'a stāstījumi vienmēr ir bijuši īpaši iespaidīgi, bet tajā pašā laikā - tik ļoti.. hmm, reāli laikam jau.
Tā nav vienīgā tāda veida sfēriskā anomālija, kas novērota precīzi tajā reģionā. Tāpat arī satelītkartēs, izņemot ļoti vecas, nav iespējams pilnībā apskatīt polāros reģionus. Bet ne par to stāsts. Šokējošākais tajā fragmentā ir aspekts, ka teiktais PRECĪZI, punkts punktā un vārds vārdā saskan ar to, kas ir minēts tajā grāmatiņā (1984). Frekvence - 1Thz (terahercs) - virs radara frekvencēm, kas atstarojas un zem infrasarkanajām (siltumstarojums), kas, savukārt, absorbējas. Tālāk - pieminēts 'The Law Of Redistribution of Energy', mīkstie elektroni - soft electrons, ar grāmatā pausto teoriju sakrīt PILNĪGI viss un tā teorija, tā teikt, 'makes sense', ja sāk domāt, analizēt un meklēt references.
Ak, dies'. Es patiešām nezinu, ko darītu, ja nebūtu mums šī vissvētākā instrumenta - Interneta.
man patīk, bet
*es opoonēju intereses pēc, nevis tādēļ, ka iestājos akurāt par klasisko fiziku
Re: man patīk, bet
Starp citu, ja vēlies, man ir tās grāmatas jaunāka versija, ne obligāti labāka, bet jaunāka - The Ultimate Reality saucās. Paši saskanējām. ~40mb. Ja kārojas, varu uzmest.
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Re: man patīk, bet
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