Mon, Jul. 25th, 2011, 09:25 am
Lasiet un apskaudiet

INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 4.4% of total population.
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Mon, Jul. 25th, 2011, 03:58 pm

Ha, muusu ir veel mazaak!

ENTP - "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.
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Mon, Jul. 25th, 2011, 04:36 pm


Vispār, to tipu ir skaitā 16, itogo vidējais rādītājs ir 6,25% uz seju.

Mon, Jul. 25th, 2011, 08:58 pm

Ha, vēl viens INFP cibā.

Vīriešiem gan tas procents esot mazāks - pēc kaut kādiem datiem tikai 1.5%, tātad katrs septiņdesmitpiektais.

Mon, Jul. 25th, 2011, 09:16 pm

jūtos praktiski unikāls!