silence is sexy - love of life

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Jūnijs 10., 2003

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10:40 - love of life
burviigs texts by grupa Swans, atljaavos iekopeet.. Ja veel dzirdams buutu, te zhurnii, vokaals...

For The Love Of Life
For The Love Of Life
In The Light Of Life
In The Love Of Light
And The Strong Survive
For The Love Of Life
And The Strong Will Rise
In The Endless Light
For The Blood Of Life
For The Love Of Life
In The Bloodless Light
For The Love Of Light
In The Blood Is Light
In The Light Is Life
For The Love Of Life
For The Love Of Life

In The Endless Light
In The Blood Of Life
Now The Strong Will Rise
For The Love Of Light
In The Bloodless Light
Now The Strong Survive
For The Love Of Life
For The Blood Of Life
And The Heavens Come
For The Strongest Ones
In A Universe
Made Of Blood And Love
In The Blood Is Light
In The Light Is Life
For The Love Of Life
For The Love Of Life

(8 raksta | ir doma)


[User Picture]
Date:10. Jūnijs 2003 - 10:47
MP3 varbūt vari kaut kur uzmest?
[User Picture]
Date:10. Jūnijs 2003 - 11:48
diemzheel nevaru, jo tas ir cee dee
[User Picture]
Date:10. Jūnijs 2003 - 11:00
ieliec a to pis visu friends vjuuvu
[User Picture]
Date:10. Jūnijs 2003 - 11:46
da neprotu gliiti ielikt. un nespeeju kaadam luugties paliidziibu kaa Tu Konstantiinam.. pa retam papisham skatu (es jau ljoti reti shitaa slikti daros, taapeec piedo, deels)
[User Picture]
Date:10. Jūnijs 2003 - 11:50
pasaki, kaa to izdariit, rakuun
[User Picture]
Date:18. Jūnijs 2003 - 20:30

<lj-cut text = "esp 4 rac00n">

un paareejais pa vidu

[User Picture]
Date:10. Jūnijs 2003 - 14:40
No kura Swanu diska ir šis gabals?
Gribu noklausīties, bet caurā atmiņa liedz atcerēties, vai tas man varētu būt pa rokai. :(
[User Picture]
Date:10. Jūnijs 2003 - 15:41
albums taa arii saucas "love of life", 1992. gads

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