Par Koku Uz Kalna - But only in their dreams can men be truly free. T'was always thus and always thus will be.

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Oktobris 7., 2006

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21:24 - But only in their dreams can men be truly free. T'was always thus and always thus will be.
I went into the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life ... to put to rout all that was not life; and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. - H.D.Thoreau

(3 did not forget to do the most radical thing | i wanna be radical!)


Date:7. Oktobris 2006 - 22:27
atceros, atceros šo uz sienas :)
[User Picture]
Date:7. Oktobris 2006 - 23:12
tagadiņ nav uz sienas, bet es izdomāju, ka jāpameklējas papīros, kaut kur "no-vecās-sienas-nonākušajo" kaudzēs jābūt.. un jāatdabū atpakaļ. kaut kur. JĀ.
Date:7. Oktobris 2006 - 23:29
Sāku lasīt un domāju - nu, kurš tad te tāds līdzīgs Toro. Neko jaunu neuzzināju... :P

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