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Izplatu muļķības - Dear Mr. Coelho,
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Dear Mr. Coelho,

I've thought about your bright ideas put into your books.. In the last few days particulary about this one [one of my all time favourites]: And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. And I have to admit that if before I just disagreed with it, now I'm quite convinced that when you really want something, all the universe conspires in putting as many obsticles in your way as possible. And as countless, unfathomable and unsurpassable as universally unimaginable.

I'm sorry if I have in any way offended you or any of your fans.. Although, actually.. I'm not sorry at all. Not about this.


Best wishes,
Girl who hates your freakin' too optimistic guts at the moment.

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Current Mood: I don't know either
Current Music: Scotty doesn't know

aranel From: [info]aranel Date: September 7th, 2011 - 09:27 pm (Link)
Zem šī parakstos...
sofia From: [info]sofia Date: September 8th, 2011 - 12:11 am (Link)
dear Mr. Coelho' probably doesn't give a shit about your estimation of his beliefs.. but more disturbing is that Vitālijs said the same thing. and he knows a lot and has scary eyes. so there must be something in it.
[or maybe you just think that you want sth, but actually truly and deeply you don't]
hugo_stiglitz From: [info]hugo_stiglitz Date: September 8th, 2011 - 07:16 pm (Link)
pš. and where is your being supportive attitude?
actually after today's 'History of latvian literature' lecture I don't give anything about his beliefs either. [Prof. Briedis has so much bigger influence on me.] But I still like to be pissed on paper better than in life.
[And this part of your comment I'll just ignore. :P ]
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