Zero tolerance - Nu tad tiem dullajiem, kas domā, ka vikingiem bij ikdienā ķiveres ar ragiem [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Nu tad tiem dullajiem, kas domā, ka vikingiem bij ikdienā ķiveres ar ragiem [17. Feb 2005|16:49]
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Myths about Vikings

Horned helmets

There is no evidence whatsoever that the Vikings on any occasion wore horned helmets. This is a latter-day myth created by national romantic ideas in Sweden at the end of the 19th century, notably the Geatish Society, and further imprinted by cartoons like Hagar the Horrible or Asterix and numerous fictitious movies. The people living in Scandinavia during the Bronze Age did, however, wear horned helmets during ceremonies, as testified by rock carvings and actual finds. See Bohuslän.
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[User Picture]
Date:17. Februāris 2005 - 16:55
nedrūmojies gan
[ļaunie tak nedrūmojas]
[User Picture]
Date:17. Februāris 2005 - 17:10

Ļaunie kā reiz drūmojas.

Viņiem IR jābūt drūmiem.
[User Picture]
Date:17. Februāris 2005 - 17:32
Filmu Eric the Viking esi redzējis?
Date:17. Februāris 2005 - 20:06
es, piem., jau ar 1x negribēju īsti ticēt un tagad ne horned helmet var tā uz bailīti paņemt-būtu stulbi tādas nenēsāt!
[User Picture]
Date:17. Februāris 2005 - 21:33
parādi mums Bohuslän!
[User Picture]
Date:18. Februāris 2005 - 13:05

ņem.. :)

Bahusia, or Bohuslän, is a historical Province or landskap on the western coast of Sweden. It borders to Dalia and Westrogothia. It is also borders to Skagerrak and to Norway. By the treaty of Roskilde, this formerly Norwegian province was ceded to Sweden. The largest city is Uddevalla in the middle of Bahusia.
Date:20. Februāris 2005 - 00:13
Bob Parkhurst:
I want to see how a war is fought, so badly.

Captain Blackadder:
Well, you've come to the right place, Bob. A war hasn't been fought this badly since Olaf the Hairy, high chief of all the vikings, accidentally ordered 80,000 battle helmets with the horns on the inside.