Zero tolerance - Nu tad tiem dullajiem, kas domā, ka vikingiem bij ikdienā ķiveres ar ragiem [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Nu tad tiem dullajiem, kas domā, ka vikingiem bij ikdienā ķiveres ar ragiem [17. Feb 2005|16:49]
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Date:18. Februāris 2005 - 13:05

ņem.. :)

Bahusia, or Bohuslän, is a historical Province or landskap on the western coast of Sweden. It borders to Dalia and Westrogothia. It is also borders to Skagerrak and to Norway. By the treaty of Roskilde, this formerly Norwegian province was ceded to Sweden. The largest city is Uddevalla in the middle of Bahusia.