: who's that girl? -

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> the cut
> fashion telegraph
> more life

Marts 30., 2013

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- a few times in my life i've had those moments of clarity, where silence draws out the noise and i can feel rather than think.

- if you look at the fifties - the shape of women's bras was pointed. shape of cars was pointed. everything was pointed.
today everything is pumped up. that is fashion now. where does it come from culturally? why is it like that? what is coming next?

- i have mixed feelings about the industry that i work in. we promote materialism. but ultimately stuff is not what brings happiness. cashmere feels good, colours excite us, because we can see. so there's a certain enjoyment to be gained by materialism, but you have to keep it in perspective, because really it's nothing, we don't own anything in our life, we don't own anything in the world. i usually think of it as bunch of stuff that i'm kind of swimming through in this life to go from here to where i go afterwards. but i have to say i struggle, because i'm attracted in some ways to beautiful things, yet at the same time i am actually very aware in some sense of their lack of value and that the most important things are your connections to other people. so it's a bit of a struggle.

- fashion is business. what you should be wearing, what you should have. but - everyone lives in their own world, there isn't one world. there's your world. everyone is their own world (jā, šo es uzrakstīju tā, kā viņš teica).

- fashion needs to change when life changes. you only need to move fashion forward when there is a reason to move fashion forward.

- nothing lasts. nothing. and maybe that's the beauty of it. and once you can accept that.. so from this point on, i'm not gonna do anything in my life that's not fun.

viņš ir fantastisks. nopietni. the greatest man on earth. ar viņu es precētos.

(7 with milk | cup of coffee?)


[User Picture]
Date:30. Marts 2013 - 17:20
sāku skatīties un nevarēju izslēgt. just too adorable, charming and intelligent.
[User Picture]
Date:30. Marts 2013 - 17:20
vsjo, tagad mīlu arī tevi :)
Date:31. Marts 2013 - 11:07
Vikipēdija saka, ka viņš ar tevi neprecētos. :-|
Date:31. Marts 2013 - 11:09
"The couple reported the birth of their son [..]" - What. The. Fuck.

Too. Much. Reality. :p
[User Picture]
Date:1. Aprīlis 2013 - 19:19
tas nekas. runa jau nav par to, ko viņš darītu vai nē, bet par to, ko es darītu :)
[User Picture]
Date:31. Marts 2013 - 11:55
[User Picture]
Date:1. Aprīlis 2013 - 19:20
ļoti izteiksmīgi izteicies.

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