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Prof piedāvā risinājumus realizēt DJP [Jul. 14th, 2021|07:39 pm]
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Profesor. Emily Oster

My unpopular opinion of the day is that I think we may be reaching the limits of fear-based vaccine motivation. And there are downsides to continuing to sow fear among those who are already afraid.

What might work?

-Full FDA approval 

-Employer mandates

Giblet 789: Employer and travel mandates. I think some people may need to save face by being required to do it so it doesn’t look like they “gave in”.

Jan: @EmmanuelMacron

I Million requests for vaccines in France after made vaccinations or a negative COVID Test a prerequisite of entering train et al.

Joe, Fully Pfizered: Vaccine passports. The ultimate incentive. 

Marcello Cerullo, MD MPH: Less carrot, more stick.

EagleX3: I know someone who doesn't even get the flu shot because she's so vaccine hesitant, but did the the Covid vaccine for the sole reason of being able to go on cruises. Those type of motivations do work.

FionaBski: I wonder what they will say once the vaccine is FDA approved. That seems to be there excuse for not taking it right now.

Roger Ware: And vaccine passports (which is just a broader version of employer mandates, encompassing restaurants, theatres, cruise ships etc.)

Gina ALm Bardy: Colleges requiring vaccines seems like a great idea as well.

Daniel smith: Insurance mandates.  Health insurance companies have to make money, so we vaccinated pay for health care costs of unvaccinated.  Insurance companies should deny coverage to unvaccinated.

EQV analytics: Employer mandates (of FDA approved vax) will certainly help, especially in urban/suburban areas w/ larger corporate employers. But so much of the problem is rural, where small biz owners are as anti-vax as their employees, if not more so. Here, additional forces are needed too.

Jesse Cook, MD MSc: Also needs to be a requirement for attending school.

Dave: - health care penalty/cancellation for being unvaccinated.

- no social security

- no car registration

Gilbert Lee: Not allowing students to return to public schools / universities. Withholding unemployment / medical benefits...

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[User Picture]
Date:July 14th, 2021 - 08:25 pm
Nez, ko tāda nepārvarama vēlme/vajadzība savakcinēt VISUS!?! ;)
[User Picture]
Date:July 14th, 2021 - 08:28 pm
Vai nē? Viņiem laikam ļoti rūp mūsu veselība.
[User Picture]
Date:July 14th, 2021 - 09:22 pm
Funny how with this kind of unhinged fanaticism politics they make it seem like there's really some kind of "chip" there that NEEDS to be installed into everybody to work as intended.
[User Picture]
Date:July 14th, 2021 - 10:09 pm
Might just be a test of submission - like getting us to tug our forelock to our fuedal masters, do a Roman salute to our fascist masters, wear a red ribbon for our Bolshevik leaders, or come into work when you don't want to for our capitalist employers. The difference is now they are trying to inject us with something that can't be removed in order that we have - as the enthusiastic technocratic helpers above suggest - access to society.

Or, they really want to push ahead with the covid pass to fuse our biological, physical and digital identities to install the new social credit paradigm, and they will need us all on board for that, obviously.

Funny, though, that a lot of those advocating employer mandates (no jab, no job) would probably consider themselves 'progressive'. Decades of labour advocacy torn up for a virus that hasn't resulted in extra all-cause mortality for any age group under 75. The trade unions here in Latvia, after a lot of pressure from members, have at last/least come out against mandatory vaccination - though they are likely to concede on employees having to pay for twice-weekly tests, which could amount to a very big pay cut for those on low pay.
[User Picture]
Date:July 16th, 2021 - 05:56 pm
"test of submission"

That's shrewd observation. I like this. It really seems that way to me too. Frog must be accustomed to new world order gradually, using various tools of intimidation and coercion.
Date:July 15th, 2021 - 12:10 am
[User Picture]
Date:July 16th, 2021 - 11:15 am
moškādu jāupurē, uzliekot melnu lāstu visiem šitiem pedofīliem
[User Picture]
Date:July 16th, 2021 - 05:58 pm
Tā ir viņu metode. Ja nolaižas līdz šim līmenim, tad paši saindējas. Nē, šeit labāk der Deus Vult attieksme.