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Jun. 7., 2005 | 07:45 pm
posted by: lasiitaajs in pajautaa

Kas tas ir / ko nozīmē "adiafora" ?

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Comments {2}

from: [info]lapsa
date: Jun. 7., 2005 - 07:48 pm

Adiafora is a comic Jakob drew during 1995-1996.
It's the story of Rakel and her boyfriend Laban. They are complete opposites. Rakel is an anarchist and Laban is a police officer. As it always happens (in stories at least) they end up together in a relationship in which Rakel smashes things and Laban says "Sorry!".
Each episode is five pages long and can be read alone or together with the previous episodes. In this episode (episode #6) Laban has been sent temporarily to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and Rakel takes the first trip into her own imaginary world.
As it is right now all the texts are still in danish, sorry!

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from: [info]lasiitaajs
date: Jun. 7., 2005 - 07:51 pm

Adiafora er en tegneserie Jakob tegnede på i 1995-1996.
Det er historien om Rakel og hendes kæreste Laban. De er fuldstændige modsætninger. Rakel er anarkist, og Laban er politibetjent. Som det altid sker (i hvert fald i historier), ender de sammen i et forhold, hvor Rakel smadrer ting, og Laban siger "Undskyld!".
Hvert afsnit er fem sider langt og kan læses for sig selv eller sammen med de tidligere afsnit. I dette afsnit (afsnit 6) er Laban blevet sendt midlertidigt til Kuala Lumpur i Malaysia, og Rakel tager den første tur til sin egen fantasiverden.

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