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Critical Condition (1987)

Posted on 2011.05.23 at 13:38
Doom: Page 40
Mūza: Donis
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JOFFE: (TO KEVIN) Doctor Slattery, we've got a patient in there with a D.B.T. for a couple of weeks and then he threw a P.E. I'm afraid he could even have a M.I.

KEVIN: (TO JOFFE) Hey, we both know how serious that can be.


JOFFE: (TO KEVIN) Well, don't you think I need a second opinion?

KEVIN (O.S.): (TO JOFFE) You want a second opinion? The patients here haven't had a first opinion yet!


Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-05-24 17:45 (Tipa)
I remember when I was a kid, I rented this movie - then that night, my great aunt went into a coma. I didn't really feel like watching the movie after that, so I returned it unwatched. I rented it again about a year later, and another relative of mine died the following day. Creepy.
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