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[Aug. 31st, 2005|06:31 pm]
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antropomorfizācija kriptogrāfijā, tik mīļi un cilvēciski

  • Alice and Bob. Generally Alice wants to send a message to Bob. These names were invented by Ron Rivest for the 1978 Communications of the ACM article presenting the RSA cryptosystem. (The 1977 technical report on RSA did not yet use these names.) Rivest denies that these names have any relation with the 1969 movie Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice as occasionally suggested by others.
  • Carol, as a third participant in communications. Thereafter, we often have Dave, a fourth participant, and so on alphabetically.
  • Eve, an eavesdropper, is a passive attacker. While she can listen in on messages between Alice and Bob, she cannot modify them.
  • Isaac, an Internet Service Provider (ISP).
  • Ivan, an issuer (as in financial cryptography).
  • Justin, from the justice system; specifically a lawyer.
  • Mallory, (sometimes Mallet, as in malicious), is an active attacker; unlike Eve, Mallory can modify messages, substitute her own messages, replay old messages, and so on. The problem of securing a system against Mallory is much greater than against Eve.
  • Matilda, a merchant (as in ecommerce or financial cryptography).
  • Peggy (or Pat), a prover, and Victor, a verifier, often must interact in some way to show that the intended transaction has actually taken place. They are often found in zero knowledge proofs. Another name pair sometimes used is Pat and Vanna (after the host and letter-turner on the Wheel of Fortune television show).
  • Plod, a police officer (or, as the case may be, a customs officer, or a member of the intelligence services).
  • Oscar, an opponent, is usually taken as equivalent to Mallory.
  • Trudy, an intruder, is more dangerous than Eve because she can modify messages in transit. Bob and Alice should ideally be able to detect any such modification and either ignore the changed message, or retrieve the correct message despite the intrusion. If they can't, Trudy can cause much mischief.
  • Trent, a trusted arbitrator, is some kind of neutral third party, whose exact role varies with the protocol under discussion.
  • Vanna, see Peggy.
  • Victor, see Peggy.
  • Walter, a warden, may be needed to guard Alice and Bob in some respect, depending on the protocol being discussed.

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