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Jun. 3., 2006 | 09:19 pm
posted by: teja in pajautaa

vai šeit ir kāds sociologs vai komunikators vai politologs, kas varētu paskaidrot, ko nozīmē "boundary-spanning role", ja runa ir par dažādām funkcijām organizācijā. vienkārši tulkojumus un minējumus, lūdzu, nepiedāvāt.

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Comments {2}

from: anonīmiķis
date: Jun. 3., 2006 - 09:35 pm

Well, boundary-spanning would conventionally mean crossing between or linking two elements. I suspect it just means a role which involves liason between/work in two areas. // Artis


from: anonīmiķis
date: Jun. 3., 2006 - 09:38 pm

A concept describing job tasks or responsibilities beyond the traditional managerial area. Boundary spanning can be internal to the firm (extending beyond traditional organizational departments) or external to the firm (crossing between channel members).
// Artis
