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[Dec. 4th, 2011|08:01 pm]
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RIP Socrates

Varonis no manas jaunības - ja neko nezini par viņu, tad te varesi redzēt to bārdu un to blind heel pass (

Par to skaisto 82 izlasi:

Viņa romantiska dvēsele ir labi aprakstīts šeit (Guardian nekrologs):

Sócrates was a left-wing intellectual who read Plato and Hobbes as well as his namesake and whose idols were Che Guevara and John Lennon. During his time with the Corinthians club in São Paulo he organised the players into a sort of workers' collective, seizing the right to make everyday decisions for themselves. He addressed political rallies and, as Brazil's detested military dictatorship began to crumble, arranged for the team to wear on their shirts a slogan exhorting their fans to vote in the 1982 elections.

Paul Breitner, the left-back of West Germany's 1974 World Cup winning side, was an avowed Marxist, and Maradona is a pal of Fidel Castro. But Sócrates was a man of substance as well as gesture. "He managed to politicise football in Brazil as no one has ever done," Alex Bellos wrote in Futebol, his marvellous survey of the game in Brazil. A man, too, who liked a drink, a smoke and a conversation: a hero to nonconformists and romantics everywhere.
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[User Picture]
Date:December 4th, 2011 - 08:35 pm
es viņu atceros, viņš vēl meksikas čempionātā bija
[User Picture]
Date:December 4th, 2011 - 08:42 pm
1982 - burvīgs laiks: spēlējam futeni katru dienu, un mēs visi fanojam par Brazīliju - Falcao, Zico, Socrates. Bet zini - tad kad spēlējam, neuzdrošinājāmies būt nevienu no tiem (piemeram es būtu Brookings, vai Beckenbauer). Šie Brazīlieši bija parāk ... magical - arpus musu pasaules.
[User Picture]
Date:December 4th, 2011 - 08:45 pm
jā, kad es izlasīju ziņu par sokratesu, arī ar nostalģiju atceros To Fantastisko brazīlijas futbolu, kādu mēs nekad vairs neredzēsim
man atliek tikai čīle, pēdējā romantiķu komanda pasaulē
[User Picture]
Date:December 4th, 2011 - 09:20 pm
ja - īstenība redzēt tādu skaisto futbolu savā jaunībā - bijam izlutināti.
Date:December 12th, 2011 - 05:40 pm
viņš pendeles sita praktiski bez ieskrējiena un 1/4 finālā pret FRA Batss atsita (man vienīgi nu pat sākas atmiņas gļuki par to vai tas bija spēles laikā vai pēcspēles sērijā; Platinī tur arī izcēlās).