: who's that girl? - : veselīga pašapziņa

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Septembris 18., 2009

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09:41 - : veselīga pašapziņa
I have the opposite of anorexia. I look in the mirror and I think I look great ... 
I was like, 'What's going on?' I took another suit out and it didn't fit either. 
Honestly, what I thought was that somehow [George] Clooney had gotten in and paid somebody to slightly hem [the suits]. 

My wife said to me, 'Could it be that maybe you've put on some weight?' 
I'm like, 'That's absurd! I look fantastic!'" 

—Matt Damon


(2 with milk | cup of coffee?)


[User Picture]
Date:18. Septembris 2009 - 10:53
jā, viņš ir jaukiņš
[User Picture]
Date:19. Septembris 2009 - 10:36
nu, zinot, cik ļoti Klūnijam patīk practical jokes, es nebrīnītos, ja viņš arī būtu kaut ko ar tiem uzvalkiem izdarījis!

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