[May. 16th, 2014|11:15 pm] |
As they are friends I sometimes go to BPP concerts - and often find myself promising myself it'll be the last time, too (the leaden beats, the repetitive predictable song structures, the off-key singing that can grate even my tolerant ears). But I go occasionally because you never know when they will catch IT. Or when IT will catch them - because they can't control it. What is it? something wild, passionate: incongruous in those middle-aged bones - something deeper than sentiment - something that more than once has had me in tears in public.
Which is why you can't have musicians coming anywhere near it: musicians who hit the correct key, musicians who have regulated their sound, musicians who want to control IT. They can't kill IT, sure: though they try, but IT leaves them well alone. They have the form, but nothing else: you might as well have them miming - and, sure, have some zeitgeist approved dreadlock frontstage.
BPP songs should be left to Maris. BPP songs should be played in basement bars on shitty equipment, and a little out of tune. That's when the spirIT comes and blesses proceedings.
Yesterday, I contend, was close to a collective assault on something these musos can't understand. |
Comments: |
tu ļoti labi aprakstīji to, ko es pats sev nebiju vēl noformulējis vārdos, bet jau no paša sākuma spilgti izjūtu kā vienkārši instinktīvu nepatiku pret visu šo tribute cd projektu kopumā.
From: | nulle |
Date: | May 16th, 2014 - 11:53 am |
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Es laikam palaidu garām vārdu "assault", pieņēmu ka kaut kas labs, bet jā -- nezinu, tieši kāpēc, bet projekts kā tāds mani neuzrunā nemaz. Ar mīnus zīmi, vēl precīzāk.
exactly and they should sound like violent femmes live tapes on records, i don't understand, why they never do
I'm with you on that for some bands it's true that they inevitably lose some of their charm when their sound gets cleaner, more professional, their song structures more sophisticated, etc. - I've had that feeling about those BPP albums made since around mid nullties. btw, pretty much the same thing about what Hospitāļu Iela did in their latter years. and the same happens when someone makes a cover cleaner than the original. some friend yesterday told me that the cover which was being played at the moment of the conversation between me and him (don't remember which band was it) seemed "plakanāks" than the original. and same could be said about a few other songs performed yesterday. but. what Frontlines and Toms Auniņš did was truly awesome. not a bit of the authentic fierceness was lost. and Inokentijs Mārpls was fine too. shame, though, that no proper heavy band had covered BPP. imagine some oldschool hardcore version of Tava Māja or a crust, or screamo, or grind, or black metal Katru Minūti or Pusi Tev Pusi Sev, or a stoner/sludge Romāna Varonis or Eventuālā. how fanfuckintastic would that be.
oh, forgot to mention Alis P. he was great too. afaik he is probably the only person in latvias so-called alternative scene who beats māris šverns in off-keyness.
sure - Auninsh kungs was in my 'humble'(ha ha) opinion closer to the mark - re your other comments, you know, I am (and have been for about 20 years) a little bored with the theatre of all these genres. Comes from having started playing in 85, and watching trend after trend sweep up swathes of bands into various characterless masses (all of whom seemed to be under the comforting illusion that whatever genre they'd hung their hats on gave them character and personality). BPP are I suppose a subset of a genre, but they are, on occasion, summoned into another realm (closer to the reality of things): beyond posing.
Citu starpaa - mees gadijumaa nebuutu pazistaami? Esmu dzirdeejis 'fanfuckintastic' kaut kur ;)
![[User Picture]](http://klab.lv/userpic/164707/8312) | From: | jd |
Date: | May 16th, 2014 - 01:54 pm |
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man gan liekās, ka vairums versiju ir labas, tiešām! drausmīga ir tikai viena - tā mūz akad studentiņu džezroka versija. interesanti, ka liela daļa ir no vēlīnās BPP daiļrades. varbūt džeki paši juta, ka 95-96.g. periodam tā kā nevajadzētu pieskarties?
From: | nulle |
Date: | May 16th, 2014 - 02:32 pm |
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"Pieneņu vīns"?
![[User Picture]](http://klab.lv/userpic/78763/8312) | From: | jd |
Date: | May 16th, 2014 - 02:41 pm |
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"Oranžās brīvdienas" ;) | |