Jūlijs 7., 2010

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16:16 - Atgādinājums sev - Devote Time
No matter how capable or gifted we may be, it’s an illusion to think we can do it all...
We can do anything, but not everything. At every moment, we’re presented with infinite possibilities — we really could be doing anything! But freedom to do whatever we set our sights on comes at a price, and the price is that we need to constantly make choices about what really matters to us.

These choices, at the most fundamental level, always boil down to how we allocate and spend our time. The value of our achievements is primarily determined by what we consistently invest our time in. We need to be aware of that every day, diligently investing the time in what matters and having the courage to let the unimportant stuff go.

How to Apply this Principle

* Use a time budget. In a time budget you define shares of time for the areas or goals you care about. It’s just like a money budget, but for time: it guarantees that you don’t overspend on things that don’t matter, so you can make the most out of the things that do.

no šejienes: http://litemind.com/productivity-principles/

(2 pēdas | ir doma)


[User Picture]
Date:7. Jūlijs 2010 - 17:00
Es baigi pie šī pieturos: Work when you’re working, rest when you’re resting
[User Picture]
Date:7. Jūlijs 2010 - 17:35
Man ar šo brīžiem ir problēmas. Pareizāk sakot - ar sevis disciplinēšanu darba laikā nebrowsēt/nečatot, lai pēcāk nebūtu sirdsapziņas pārmetumi (kuru dēļ strādāju brīvdienās)
smaidi - Atgādinājums sev - Devote Time

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