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[Aug. 19th, 2009|04:31 pm]
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Date:August 19th, 2009 - 04:54 pm
Iggy Pop - 1999 - Avenue B no

1. "No Shit" - 1:21
2. "Nazi Girlfriend" - 2:57
3. "Avenue B" - 5:19
4. "Miss Argentina" - 4:14
5. "Afraid to Get Close" - 0:59
6. "Shakin' All Over" (Johnny Kidd) - 4:35
7. "Long Distance" - 4:56
8. "Corruption" (Hal Cragin/Whitey Kirst/Pop) - 4:23
9. "She Called Me Daddy" - 1:52
10. "I Felt the Luxury" (William Martin/John Medeski/Pop/Christopher Wood) - 6:30
11. "Español" (Whitey Kirst/Pop) - 4:10
12. "Motorcycle" - 2:42
13. "Facade" - 5:28