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Jūlijs 11., 2005

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[User Picture]
Date:11. Jūlijs 2005 - 17:03

close enough

Today was really tiring.

I got out of bed early because I had to go to bank.

I feel unusual because my antidepressants are making me hairy.

Last night I had to masturbate twenty times. I'm so horny. Click here to see my website.

I am making this journal friends only because I don't want the world to read what I'm writing, even though I'm posting it on the internet.

Today, I got a digital camera! Yes! Here's some photos of my cock.

I want to say thanks to the world for absolutely fucking nothing! You all suck. I feel so alone, no one ever reads this journal, or even comments to let me know that I'm not suffering alone. It's cold here, and I want to die, but I cannot figure out how many of you to take with me when I go.

You should all do this quiz! It's amazingly accurate. You just put in your name and birthday, and it will tell you you're a moron.

That's enough for now. But I'll leave you with some naked photos of myself. (Not safe for work - teehee).
[User Picture]
Date:11. Jūlijs 2005 - 17:09

Re: close enough

neesi pimpis, bļa!
[User Picture]
Date:11. Jūlijs 2005 - 17:11

Re: close enough

*izplūst asarās*

onkulis dusmīgs...
[User Picture]
Date:11. Jūlijs 2005 - 19:22

Re: close enough

[info]kaitnieks rulez!!111

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