29. · februāris


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Margaret Atwood "Life Before Man" / II
Most people do imitations; she herself has been doing imitations for years. If there is some reason for it she can imitate a wife, a mother, an employee, a dutiful relative. The secret is to discover what the others are trying to imitate and then support them in their belief that they've done it so well. Or the opposite: I can see through you.


He threw away a promising career, everyone said it was promising though they didn't say what it promised.


Mummy. A dried corpse in a gilded case. Mum, silent. Mama, short for mammary gland.


"Dinosaurs are dead," he said to her one day, trying to lighten things up. "But I'm still alive."
"Are you sure?" she said, with one of those ball-shriveling looks. As if he was a teeny little dog turd.


All she wants is a miracle, because anything else is hopeless.


She acts as if she can't remember ever having cried, ever having hit him or screamed, and Nate reflects once more upon the shamelessness of women. Their lack of shame. They believe whatever they do is justified at the time, so why be guilty?


But does the Mesozoic exist? When it did it was called nothing. The dinosaurs didn't know they were in the Mesozoic. They didn't know they were only in the middle. They didn't intend to become extinct; as far as they knew they would live forever.


This is what they mean when they say maturity: you get to the point where you think you've blown your life.




Lielākā daļa cilvēku imitē; viņa pati to dara gadiem ilgi. Ja tam ir kāds iemesls, viņa var imitēt sievu, māti, darbinieci, apzinīgu radinieci. Noslēpums ir atklāt, ko imitē citi, un tad atbalstīt viņus pārliecībā, ka viņi to ir paveikuši tik labi. Vai gluži pretēji: Es redzu tev cauri.


Viņš palaida vējā daudzsološu karjeru, visi teica, ka tā ir daudzsološa, lai gan neviens neteica, ko tieši tā sola.


"Dinozauri ir miruši," viņš kādudien viņai sacīja, mēģinot padarīt situāciju gaišāku. "Bet es vēl esmu dzīvs."
"Vai esi pārliecināts?" viņa atteica, ar vienu no tiem pautus čokurojošajiem skatieniem. It kā viņš būtu mazmazītiņš suņa sūds.


Viss, ko viņa grib, ir brīnums, jo jebkas cits ir bezcerīgs.


Viņa uzvedās tā, it kā neatcerētos, ka jebkad būtu raudājusi, jebkad būtu viņam situsi vai kliegusi, un Neits kārtējo reizi apcer sieviešu bezkaunību. Kauna trūkumu. Viņas tic, ka jebkas, ko viņas dara, tajā brīdī ir attaisnojams, tāpēc kālab justies vainīgai?


Bet vai mezozojs eksistē? Kad tas bija, to nekā nesauca. Dinozauri nezināja, ka viņi ir mezozojā. Viņi nezināja, ka ir tikai vidū. Viņi nebija paredzējuši kļūt izmiruši; ciktāl viņi zināja, viņi dzīvotu mūžīgi.


Tas ir tas, ko viņi domā, sakot briedums: tu nokļūsti līdz brīdim, kad domā, ka esi sačakarējis savu dzīvi.

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